Algorithm for testing d-separation in DAGs.
d-separation is a test for conditional independence in probability distributions that can be factorized using DAGs. It is a purely graphical test that uses the underlying graph and makes no reference to the actual distribution parameters. See [1] for a formal definition.
The implementation is based on the conceptually simple linear time algorithm presented in [2]. Refer to [3], [4] for a couple of alternative algorithms.
The functional interface in NetworkX consists of three functions:
returns a minimal d-separator setz
. That is, removing any node or nodes from it makes it no longer a d-separator.is_d_separator
checks if a given set is a d-separator.is_minimal_d_separator
checks if a given set is a minimal d-separator.
Here, we provide a brief overview of d-separation and related concepts that are relevant for understanding it:
The ideas of d-separation and d-connection relate to paths being open or blocked.
A “path” is a sequence of nodes connected in order by edges. Unlike for most graph theory analysis, the direction of the edges is ignored. Thus the path can be thought of as a traditional path on the undirected version of the graph.
A “candidate d-separator”
is a set of nodes being considered as possibly blocking all paths between two prescribed setsx
of nodes. We refer to each node in the candidate d-separator as “known”.A “collider” node on a path is a node that is a successor of its two neighbor nodes on the path. That is,
is a collider if the edge directions along the path look like... u -> c <- v ...
.If a collider node or any of its descendants are “known”, the collider is called an “open collider”. Otherwise it is a “blocking collider”.
Any path can be “blocked” in two ways. If the path contains a “known” node that is not a collider, the path is blocked. Also, if the path contains a collider that is not a “known” node, the path is blocked.
A path is “open” if it is not blocked. That is, it is open if every node is either an open collider or not a “known”. Said another way, every “known” in the path is a collider and every collider is open (has a “known” as a inclusive descendant). The concept of “open path” is meant to demonstrate a probabilistic conditional dependence between two nodes given prescribed knowledge (“known” nodes).
Two sets
of nodes are “d-separated” by a set of nodesz
if all paths between nodes inx
and nodes iny
are blocked. That is, if there are no open paths from any node inx
to any node iny
. Such a setz
is a “d-separator” ofx
.A “minimal d-separator” is a d-separator
for which no node or subset of nodes can be removed with it still being a d-separator.
The d-separator blocks some paths between x
and y
but opens others.
Nodes in the d-separator block paths if the nodes are not colliders.
But if a collider or its descendant nodes are in the d-separation set, the
colliders are open, allowing a path through that collider.
Illustration of D-separation with examples#
A pair of two nodes, u
and v
, are d-connected if there is a path
from u
to v
that is not blocked. That means, there is an open
path from u
to v
For example, if the d-separating set is the empty set, then the following paths are
open between u
and v
u <- n -> v
u -> w -> … -> n -> v
If on the other hand, n
is in the d-separating set, then n
those paths between u
and v
Colliders block a path if they and their descendants are not included in the d-separating set. An example of a path that is blocked when the d-separating set is empty is:
u -> w -> … -> n <- v
The node n
is a collider in this path and is not in the d-separating set.
So n
blocks this path. However, if n
or a descendant of n
included in the d-separating set, then the path through the collider
at n
(… -> n <- …) is “open”.
D-separation is concerned with blocking all paths between nodes from x
to y
A d-separating set between x
and y
is one where all paths are blocked.
D-separation and its applications in probability#
D-separation is commonly used in probabilistic causal-graph models. D-separation connects the idea of probabilistic “dependence” with separation in a graph. If one assumes the causal Markov condition [5], (every node is conditionally independent of its non-descendants, given its parents) then d-separation implies conditional independence in probability distributions. Symmetrically, d-connection implies dependence.
The intuition is as follows. The edges on a causal graph indicate which nodes
influence the outcome of other nodes directly. An edge from u to v
implies that the outcome of event u
influences the probabilities for
the outcome of event v
. Certainly knowing u
changes predictions for v
But also knowing v
changes predictions for u
. The outcomes are dependent.
Furthermore, an edge from v
to w
would mean that w
and v
are dependent
and thus that u
could indirectly influence w
Without any knowledge about the system (candidate d-separating set is empty)
a causal graph u -> v -> w
allows all three nodes to be dependent. But
if we know the outcome of v
, the conditional probabilities of outcomes for
and w
are independent of each other. That is, once we know the outcome
for v
, the probabilities for w
do not depend on the outcome for u
This is the idea behind v
blocking the path if it is “known” (in the candidate
d-separating set).
The same argument works whether the direction of the edges are both left-going and when both arrows head out from the middle. Having a “known” node on a path blocks the collider-free path because those relationships make the conditional probabilities independent.
The direction of the causal edges does impact dependence precisely in the
case of a collider e.g. u -> v <- w
. In that situation, both u
and w
influence v
. But they do not directly influence each other. So without any
knowledge of any outcomes, u
and w
are independent. That is the idea behind
colliders blocking the path. But, if v
is known, the conditional probabilities
of u
and w
can be dependent. This is the heart of Berkson’s Paradox [6].
For example, suppose u
and w
are boolean events (they either happen or do not)
and v
represents the outcome “at least one of u
and w
occur”. Then knowing
is true makes the conditional probabilities of u
and w
Essentially, knowing that at least one of them is true raises the probability of
each. But further knowledge that w
is true (or false) change the conditional
probability of u
to either the original value or 1. So the conditional
probability of u
depends on the outcome of w
even though there is no
causal relationship between them. When a collider is known, dependence can
occur across paths through that collider. This is the reason open colliders
do not block paths.
Furthermore, even if v
is not “known”, if one of its descendants is “known”
we can use that information to know more about v
which again makes
and w
potentially dependent. Suppose the chance of n
is much higher when v
occurs (“at least one of u
and w
Then if we know n
occurred, it is more likely that v
occurred and that
makes the chance of u
and w
dependent. This is the idea behind why
a collider does no block a path if any descendant of the collider is “known”.
When two sets of nodes x
and y
are d-separated by a set z
it means that given the outcomes of the nodes in z
, the probabilities
of outcomes of the nodes in x
are independent of the outcomes of the
nodes in y
and vice versa.
A Hidden Markov Model with 5 observed states and 5 hidden states where the hidden states have causal relationships resulting in a path results in the following causal network. We check that early states along the path are separated from late state in the path by the d-separator of the middle hidden state. Thus if we condition on the middle hidden state, the early state probabilities are independent of the late state outcomes.
>>> G = nx.DiGraph()
>>> G.add_edges_from(
... [
... ("H1", "H2"),
... ("H2", "H3"),
... ("H3", "H4"),
... ("H4", "H5"),
... ("H1", "O1"),
... ("H2", "O2"),
... ("H3", "O3"),
... ("H4", "O4"),
... ("H5", "O5"),
... ]
... )
>>> x, y, z = ({"H1", "O1"}, {"H5", "O5"}, {"H3"})
>>> nx.is_d_separator(G, x, y, z)
>>> nx.is_minimal_d_separator(G, x, y, z)
>>> nx.is_minimal_d_separator(G, x, y, z | {"O3"})
>>> z = nx.find_minimal_d_separator(G, x | y, {"O2", "O3", "O4"})
>>> z == {"H2", "H4"}
If no minimal_d_separator exists, None
is returned
>>> other_z = nx.find_minimal_d_separator(G, x | y, {"H2", "H3"})
>>> other_z is None
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Return whether node sets |
Determine if |
Returns a minimal d-separating set between |