Linear algebra#
Graph Matrix#
Adjacency matrix and incidence matrix of graphs.
Returns adjacency matrix of |
Returns incidence matrix of G. |
Laplacian Matrix#
Laplacian matrix of graphs.
All calculations here are done using the out-degree. For Laplacians using
in-degree, use G.reverse(copy=False)
instead of G
and take the transpose.
The laplacian_matrix
function provides an unnormalized matrix,
while normalized_laplacian_matrix
, directed_laplacian_matrix
and directed_combinatorial_laplacian_matrix
are all normalized.
Returns the Laplacian matrix of G. |
Returns the normalized Laplacian matrix of G. |
Returns the directed Laplacian matrix of G. |
Return the directed combinatorial Laplacian matrix of G. |
Bethe Hessian Matrix#
Bethe Hessian or deformed Laplacian matrix of graphs.
Returns the Bethe Hessian matrix of G. |
Algebraic Connectivity#
Algebraic connectivity and Fiedler vectors of undirected graphs.
Returns the algebraic connectivity of an undirected graph. |
Returns the Fiedler vector of a connected undirected graph. |
Compute the spectral_ordering of a graph. |
Bisect the graph using the Fiedler vector. |
Attribute Matrices#
Functions for constructing matrix-like objects from graph attributes.
Returns the attribute matrix using attributes from |
Returns a SciPy sparse array using attributes from G. |
Modularity Matrices#
Modularity matrix of graphs.
Returns the modularity matrix of G. |
Returns the directed modularity matrix of G. |
Eigenvalue spectrum of graphs.
Returns eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of G. |
Returns eigenvalues of the Laplacian of G |
Returns eigenvalues of the Bethe Hessian matrix of G. |
Return eigenvalues of the normalized Laplacian of G |
Returns eigenvalues of the modularity matrix of G. |