
read_multiline_adjlist(path, comments='#', delimiter=None, create_using=None, nodetype=None, edgetype=None, encoding='utf-8')[source]#

Read graph in multi-line adjacency list format from path.

pathstring or file

Filename or file handle to read. Filenames ending in .gz or .bz2 will be decompressed.

create_usingNetworkX graph constructor, optional (default=nx.Graph)

Graph type to create. If graph instance, then cleared before populated.

nodetypePython type, optional

Convert nodes to this type.

edgetypePython type, optional

Convert edge data to this type.

commentsstring, optional

Marker for comment lines

delimiterstring, optional

Separator for node labels. The default is whitespace.

G: NetworkX graph


This format does not store graph, node, or edge data.


>>> G = nx.path_graph(4)
>>> nx.write_multiline_adjlist(G, "test.adjlist")
>>> G = nx.read_multiline_adjlist("test.adjlist")

The path can be a file or a string with the name of the file. If a file s provided, it has to be opened in ‘rb’ mode.

>>> fh = open("test.adjlist", "rb")
>>> G = nx.read_multiline_adjlist(fh)

Filenames ending in .gz or .bz2 will be compressed.

>>> nx.write_multiline_adjlist(G, "test.adjlist.gz")
>>> G = nx.read_multiline_adjlist("test.adjlist.gz")

The optional nodetype is a function to convert node strings to nodetype.

For example

>>> G = nx.read_multiline_adjlist("test.adjlist", nodetype=int)

will attempt to convert all nodes to integer type.

The optional edgetype is a function to convert edge data strings to edgetype.

>>> G = nx.read_multiline_adjlist("test.adjlist")

The optional create_using parameter is a NetworkX graph container. The default is Graph(), an undirected graph. To read the data as a directed graph use

>>> G = nx.read_multiline_adjlist("test.adjlist", create_using=nx.DiGraph)