
shell_layout(G, nlist=None, rotate=None, scale=1, center=None, dim=2, store_pos_as=None)[source]#

Position nodes in concentric circles.

GNetworkX graph or list of nodes

A position will be assigned to every node in G.

nlistlist of lists

List of node lists for each shell.

rotateangle in radians (default=pi/len(nlist))

Angle by which to rotate the starting position of each shell relative to the starting position of the previous shell. To recreate behavior before v2.5 use rotate=0.

scalenumber (default: 1)

Scale factor for positions.

centerarray-like or None

Coordinate pair around which to center the layout.


Dimension of layout, currently only dim=2 is supported. Other dimension values result in a ValueError.

store_pos_asstr, default None

If non-None, the position of each node will be stored on the graph as an attribute with this string as its name, which can be accessed with G.nodes[...][store_pos_as]. The function still returns the dictionary.


A dictionary of positions keyed by node


If dim != 2


This algorithm currently only works in two dimensions and does not try to minimize edge crossings.


>>> G = nx.path_graph(4)
>>> shells = [[0], [1, 2, 3]]
>>> pos = nx.shell_layout(G, shells)
>>> # supress the returned dict and store on the graph directly
>>> _ = nx.shell_layout(G, shells, store_pos_as="pos")
>>> nx.get_node_attributes(G, "pos")
{0: array([0., 0.]), 1: array([-5.00000000e-01, -4.37113883e-08]), 2: array([ 0.24999996, -0.43301272]), 3: array([0.24999981, 0.43301281])}