
arf_layout(G, pos=None, scaling=1, a=1.1, etol=1e-06, dt=0.001, max_iter=1000, *, seed=None, store_pos_as=None)[source]#

Arf layout for networkx

The attractive and repulsive forces (arf) layout [1] improves the spring layout in three ways. First, it prevents congestion of highly connected nodes due to strong forcing between nodes. Second, it utilizes the layout space more effectively by preventing large gaps that spring layout tends to create. Lastly, the arf layout represents symmetries in the layout better than the default spring layout.

Gnx.Graph or nx.DiGraph

Networkx graph.


Initial position of the nodes. If set to None a random layout will be used.


Scales the radius of the circular layout space.


Strength of springs between connected nodes. Should be larger than 1. The greater a, the clearer the separation ofunconnected sub clusters.


Gradient sum of spring forces must be larger than etol before successful termination.


Time step for force differential equation simulations.


Max iterations before termination of the algorithm.

seedint, RandomState instance or None optional (default=None)

Set the random state for deterministic node layouts. If int, seed is the seed used by the random number generator, if numpy.random.RandomState instance, seed is the random number generator, if None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by numpy.random.

store_pos_asstr, default None

If non-None, the position of each node will be stored on the graph as an attribute with this string as its name, which can be accessed with G.nodes[...][store_pos_as]. The function still returns the dictionary.

.. [1] “Self-Organization Applied to Dynamic Network Layout”, M. Geipel,

International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2007, Vol 18, No 10, pp. 1537-1549.


A dictionary of positions keyed by node.


>>> G = nx.grid_graph((5, 5))
>>> pos = nx.arf_layout(G)
>>> # supress the returned dict and store on the graph directly
>>> G = nx.grid_graph((5, 5))
>>> _ = nx.arf_layout(G, store_pos_as="pos")