
to_dict_of_dicts(G, nodelist=None, edge_data=None)[source]#

Returns adjacency representation of graph as a dictionary of dictionaries.


A NetworkX graph


Use only nodes specified in nodelist

edge_datascalar, optional

If provided, the value of the dictionary will be set to edge_data for all edges. Usual values could be 1 or True. If edge_data is None (the default), the edgedata in G is used, resulting in a dict-of-dict-of-dicts. If G is a MultiGraph, the result will be a dict-of-dict-of-dict-of-dicts. See Notes for an approach to customize handling edge data. edge_data should not be a container.


A nested dictionary representation of G. Note that the level of nesting depends on the type of G and the value of edge_data (see Examples).


For a more custom approach to handling edge data, try:

dod = {
    n: {nbr: custom(n, nbr, dd) for nbr, dd in nbrdict.items()}
    for n, nbrdict in G.adj.items()

where custom returns the desired edge data for each edge between n and nbr, given existing edge data dd.


>>> G = nx.path_graph(3)
>>> nx.to_dict_of_dicts(G)
{0: {1: {}}, 1: {0: {}, 2: {}}, 2: {1: {}}}

Edge data is preserved by default (edge_data=None), resulting in dict-of-dict-of-dicts where the innermost dictionary contains the edge data:

>>> G = nx.Graph()
>>> G.add_edges_from(
...     [
...         (0, 1, {"weight": 1.0}),
...         (1, 2, {"weight": 2.0}),
...         (2, 0, {"weight": 1.0}),
...     ]
... )
>>> d = nx.to_dict_of_dicts(G)
>>> d
{0: {1: {'weight': 1.0}, 2: {'weight': 1.0}},
 1: {0: {'weight': 1.0}, 2: {'weight': 2.0}},
 2: {1: {'weight': 2.0}, 0: {'weight': 1.0}}}
>>> d[1][2]["weight"]

If edge_data is not None, edge data in the original graph (if any) is replaced:

>>> d = nx.to_dict_of_dicts(G, edge_data=1)
>>> d
{0: {1: 1, 2: 1}, 1: {0: 1, 2: 1}, 2: {1: 1, 0: 1}}
>>> d[1][2]

This also applies to MultiGraphs: edge data is preserved by default:

>>> G = nx.MultiGraph()
>>> G.add_edge(0, 1, key="a", weight=1.0)
>>> G.add_edge(0, 1, key="b", weight=5.0)
>>> d = nx.to_dict_of_dicts(G)
>>> d
{0: {1: {'a': {'weight': 1.0}, 'b': {'weight': 5.0}}},
 1: {0: {'a': {'weight': 1.0}, 'b': {'weight': 5.0}}}}
>>> d[0][1]["b"]["weight"]

But multi edge data is lost if edge_data is not None:

>>> d = nx.to_dict_of_dicts(G, edge_data=10)
>>> d
{0: {1: 10}, 1: {0: 10}}