- is_valid_degree_sequence_havel_hakimi(deg_sequence)[source]#
Returns True if deg_sequence can be realized by a simple graph.
The validation proceeds using the Havel-Hakimi theorem [havel1955], [hakimi1962], [CL1996]. Worst-case run time is
where is the sum of the sequence.- Parameters:
- deg_sequencelist
A list of integers where each element specifies the degree of a node in a graph.
- Returns:
- validbool
True if deg_sequence is graphical and False if not.
The ZZ condition says that for the sequence d if
then d is graphical. This was shown in Theorem 6 in [1].
[1]I.E. Zverovich and V.E. Zverovich. “Contributions to the theory of graphic sequences”, Discrete Mathematics, 105, pp. 292-303 (1992).
[havel1955]Havel, V. “A Remark on the Existence of Finite Graphs” Casopis Pest. Mat. 80, 477-480, 1955.
[hakimi1962]Hakimi, S. “On the Realizability of a Set of Integers as Degrees of the Vertices of a Graph.” SIAM J. Appl. Math. 10, 496-506, 1962.
[CL1996]G. Chartrand and L. Lesniak, “Graphs and Digraphs”, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 1996.
>>> G = nx.Graph([(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 2), (5, 1), (5, 4)]) >>> sequence = (d for _, d in >>> nx.is_valid_degree_sequence_havel_hakimi(sequence) True
To test a non-valid sequence: >>> sequence_list = [d for _, d in] >>> sequence_list[-1] += 1 >>> nx.is_valid_degree_sequence_havel_hakimi(sequence_list) False