
write_network_text(graph, path=None, with_labels=True, sources=None, max_depth=None, ascii_only=False, end='\n', vertical_chains=False)[source]#

Creates a nice text representation of a graph

This works via a depth-first traversal of the graph and writing a line for each unique node encountered. Non-tree edges are written to the right of each node, and connection to a non-tree edge is indicated with an ellipsis. This representation works best when the input graph is a forest, but any graph can be represented.

graphnx.DiGraph | nx.Graph

Graph to represent

pathstring or file or callable or None

Filename or file handle for data output. if a function, then it will be called for each generated line. if None, this will default to “sys.stdout.write”

with_labelsbool | str

If True will use the “label” attribute of a node to display if it exists otherwise it will use the node value itself. If given as a string, then that attribute name will be used instead of “label”. Defaults to True.


Specifies which nodes to start traversal from. Note: nodes that are not reachable from one of these sources may not be shown. If unspecified, the minimal set of nodes needed to reach all others will be used.

max_depthint | None

The maximum depth to traverse before stopping. Defaults to None.


If True only ASCII characters are used to construct the visualization


The line ending character


If True, chains of nodes will be drawn vertically when possible.


>>> graph = nx.balanced_tree(r=2, h=2, create_using=nx.DiGraph)
>>> nx.write_network_text(graph)
╙── 0
    ├─╼ 1
    │   ├─╼ 3
    │   └─╼ 4
    └─╼ 2
        ├─╼ 5
        └─╼ 6
>>> # A near tree with one non-tree edge
>>> graph.add_edge(5, 1)
>>> nx.write_network_text(graph)
╙── 0
    ├─╼ 1 ╾ 5
    │   ├─╼ 3
    │   └─╼ 4
    └─╼ 2
        ├─╼ 5
        │   └─╼  ...
        └─╼ 6
>>> graph = nx.cycle_graph(5)
>>> nx.write_network_text(graph)
╙── 0
    ├── 1
    │   └── 2
    │       └── 3
    │           └── 4 ─ 0
    └──  ...
>>> graph = nx.cycle_graph(5, nx.DiGraph)
>>> nx.write_network_text(graph, vertical_chains=True)
╙── 0 ╾ 4




    └─╼  ...
>>> nx.write_network_text(graph, vertical_chains=True, ascii_only=True)
+-- 0 <- 4
    L->  ...
>>> graph = nx.generators.barbell_graph(4, 2)
>>> nx.write_network_text(graph, vertical_chains=False)
╙── 4
    ├── 5
    │   └── 6
    │       ├── 7
    │       │   ├── 8 ─ 6
    │       │   │   └── 9 ─ 6, 7
    │       │   └──  ...
    │       └──  ...
    └── 3
        ├── 0
        │   ├── 1 ─ 3
        │   │   └── 2 ─ 0, 3
        │   └──  ...
        └──  ...
>>> nx.write_network_text(graph, vertical_chains=True)
╙── 4
    ├── 5
    │   │
    │   6
    │   ├── 7
    │   │   ├── 8 ─ 6
    │   │   │   │
    │   │   │   9 ─ 6, 7
    │   │   └──  ...
    │   └──  ...
    └── 3
        ├── 0
        │   ├── 1 ─ 3
        │   │   │
        │   │   2 ─ 0, 3
        │   └──  ...
        └──  ...
>>> graph = nx.complete_graph(5, create_using=nx.Graph)
>>> nx.write_network_text(graph)
╙── 0
    ├── 1
    │   ├── 2 ─ 0
    │   │   ├── 3 ─ 0, 1
    │   │   │   └── 4 ─ 0, 1, 2
    │   │   └──  ...
    │   └──  ...
    └──  ...
>>> graph = nx.complete_graph(3, create_using=nx.DiGraph)
>>> nx.write_network_text(graph)
╙── 0 ╾ 1, 2
    ├─╼ 1 ╾ 2
    │   ├─╼ 2 ╾ 0
    │   │   └─╼  ...
    │   └─╼  ...
    └─╼  ...