About Us#
NetworkX was originally written by Aric Hagberg, Dan Schult, and Pieter Swart, and has been developed with the help of many others. Thanks to everyone who has improved NetworkX by contributing code, bug reports (and fixes), documentation, and input on design, features, and the future of NetworkX.
Core Developers#
NetworkX development is guided by the following core team:
Emeritus Developers#
We thank these previously-active core developers for their contributions to NetworkX.
Steering Council#
If you are a NetworkX contributor, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request to add your name to the bottom of the list.
Aric Hagberg, GitHub: hagberg
Dan Schult, GitHub: dschult
Pieter Swart
Katy Bold
Hernan Rozenfeld
Brendt Wohlberg
Jim Bagrow
Holly Johnsen
Arnar Flatberg
Chris Myers
Joel Miller
Keith Briggs
Ignacio Rozada
Phillipp Pagel
Sverre Sundsdal
Ross M. Richardson
Eben Kenah
Sasha Gutfriend
Udi Weinsberg
Matteo Dell’Amico
Andrew Conway
Raf Guns
Salim Fadhley
Fabrice Desclaux
Arpad Horvath
Minh Van Nguyen
Willem Ligtenberg
Loïc Séguin-C.
Paul McGuire
Jesus Cerquides
Ben Edwards
Jon Olav Vik
Hugh Brown
Ben Reilly
Leo Lopes
Jordi Torrents, GitHub: jtorrents
Dheeraj M R, GitHub: dheerajrav
Franck Kalala
Simon Knight
Conrad Lee
Sérgio Nery Simões
Robert King
Nick Mancuso
Brian Cloteaux
Alejandro Weinstein
Dustin Smith
Mathieu Larose
Romain Fontugne
Vincent Gauthier
chebee7i, GitHub: chebee7i
Jeffrey Finkelstein
Jean-Gabriel Young, GitHub: jg-you
Andrey Paramonov, http://aparamon.msk.ru
Mridul Seth, GitHub: MridulS
Thodoris Sotiropoulos, GitHub: theosotr
Konstantinos Karakatsanis, GitHub: k-karakatsanis
Ryan Nelson, GitHub: rnelsonchem
Niels van Adrichem, GitHub: NvanAdrichem
Michael E. Rose, GitHub: Michael-E-Rose
Jarrod Millman, GitHub: jarrodmillman
Andre Weltsch
Lewis Robbins
Mads Jensen, GitHub: atombrella
Edward L. Platt, elplatt
James Owen, GitHub: leamingrad
Robert Gmyr, GitHub: gmyr
Mike Trenfield
Jon Crall, GitHub: Erotemic
Issa Moradnejad, GitHub: Moradnejad, LinkedIn: Issa Moradnejad
Brian Kiefer, GitHub: bkief
Julien Klaus
Peter C. Kroon, GitHub: pckroon
Weisheng Si, GitHub: ws4u
Haakon H. Rød, GitLab: haakonhr, https://haakonhr.gitlab.io
Efraim Rodrigues, GitHub: efraimrodrigues, LinkedIn: efraim-rodrigues
Erwan Le Merrer
Søren Fuglede Jørgensen, GitHub: fuglede
Salim BELHADDAD, LinkedIn: salymdotme
Jangwon Yie, GitHub: jangwon-yie, LinkedIn: jangwon-yie-a7960065
Tomas Gavenciak
Luca Baldesi
Yuto Yamaguchi
James Clough
Minas Gjoka
Drew Conway
Alex Levenson
Haochen Wu
Erwan Le Merrer
Alex Roper
P C Kroon
Christopher Ellison
Federico Rosato
Aitor Almeida
Ferran Parés
Christian Olsson
Fredrik Erlandsson
Nanda H Krishna
Nicholas Mancuso
Fred Morstatter
Ollie Glass
Rodrigo Dorantes-Gilardi
Pranay Kanwar
Balint Tillman
Diederik van Liere
Ferdinando Papale
Miguel Sozinho Ramalho
Brandon Liu
Nima Mohammadi
Jason Grout
Jan Aagaard Meier
Henrik Haugbølle
Piotr Brodka
Sasha Gutfraind
Alessandro Luongo
Huston Hedinger
Oleguer Sagarra
Kazimierz Wojciechowski, GitHub: kazimierz-256, LinkedIn: wojciechowski-kazimierz
Gaetano Pietro Paolo Carpinato, GitHub: Carghaez, LinkedIn: gaetanocarpinato
Arun Nampally, GitHub: arunwise, LinkedIn: arun-nampally-b57845b7
Ryan Duve
Shashi Prakash Tripathi, GitHub: itsshavar, LinkedIn: itsshashitripathi
Danny Niquette
James Trimble, GitHub: jamestrimble
Matthias Bruhns, GitHub: mbruhns
Philip Boalch
Matt Schwennesen, GitHub: mjschwenne
Andrew Knyazev, GitHub: lobpcg, LinkedIn: andrew-knyazev
Luca Cappelletti, GitHub: LucaCappelletti94
Sultan Orazbayev, GitHub: SultanOrazbayev, LinkedIn: Sultan Orazbayev
Paolo Boldi, Github:
Davide D’Ascenzo, Github:
Flavio Furia, Github:
Sebastiano Vigna, Github:
Aaron Zolnai-Lucas, GitHub: aaronzo, LinkedIn: aaronzolnailucas
Erik Welch, GitHub: eriknw, LinkedIn: eriknwelch
Mohamed Rezk, Github: mohamedrezk122
Orion Sehn, GitHub: OrionSehn
Berlin Cho, GitHub: berlincho
A supplementary (but still incomplete) list of contributors is given by the
list of names that have commits in networkx
git repository. This can be obtained via:
git log --raw | grep "^Author: " | sort | uniq
A historical, partial listing of contributors and their contributions to some of the earlier versions of NetworkX can be found here.
NetworkX acknowledges support from the following research groups:
Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, PI: Aric Hagberg
Open Source Programs Office, Google
Complexity Sciences Center, Department of Physics, University of California-Davis, PI: James P. Crutchfield
Center for Complexity and Collective Computation, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, University of Wisconsin-Madison, PIs: Jessica C. Flack and David C. Krakauer
NetworkX acknowledges the following financial support:
Google Summer of Code via Python Software Foundation
U.S. Army Research Office grant W911NF-12-1-0288
DARPA Physical Intelligence Subcontract No. 9060-000709
NSF Grant No. PHY-0748828
John Templeton Foundation through a grant to the Santa Fe Institute to study complexity
U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the U.S. Army Research Office under contract number W911NF-13-1-0340