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gnmk_random_graph(n, m, k, seed=None, directed=False)[source]

Returns a random bipartite graph G_{n,m,k}.

Produces a bipartite graph chosen randomly out of the set of all graphs with n top nodes, m bottom nodes, and k edges.

  • n (int) – The number of nodes in the first bipartite set.
  • m (int) – The number of nodes in the second bipartite set.
  • k (int) – The number of edges
  • seed (integer, random_state, or None (default)) – Indicator of random number generation state. See Randomness.
  • directed (bool, optional (default=False)) – If True return a directed graph


from nx.algorithms import bipartite G = bipartite.gnmk_random_graph(10,20,50)

See also



This function is not imported in the main namespace. To use it you have to explicitly import the bipartite package.

If k > m * n then a complete bipartite graph is returned.

This graph is a bipartite version of the G_{nm} random graph model.