Helper Functions¶
Miscellaneous Helpers for NetworkX.
These are not imported into the base networkx namespace but can be accessed, for example, as
>>> import networkx
>>> networkx.utils.is_string_like('spam')
is_string_like (obj) |
Check if obj is string. |
flatten (obj[, result]) |
Return flattened version of (possibly nested) iterable object. |
iterable (obj) |
Return True if obj is iterable with a well-defined len(). |
is_list_of_ints (intlist) |
Return True if list is a list of ints. |
make_str (x) |
Returns the string representation of t. |
generate_unique_node () |
Generate a unique node label. |
default_opener (filename) |
Opens filename using system’s default program. |
pairwise (iterable[, cyclic]) |
s -> (s0, s1), (s1, s2), (s2, s3), … |
groups (many_to_one) |
Converts a many-to-one mapping into a one-to-many mapping. |
create_random_state ([random_state]) |
Returns a numpy.random.RandomState instance depending on input. |
Data Structures and Algorithms¶
Union-find data structure.
UnionFind.union (*objects) |
Find the sets containing the objects and merge them all. |
Random Sequence Generators¶
Utilities for generating random numbers, random sequences, and random selections.
powerlaw_sequence (n[, exponent, seed]) |
Return sample sequence of length n from a power law distribution. |
cumulative_distribution (distribution) |
Returns normalized cumulative distribution from discrete distribution. |
discrete_sequence (n[, distribution, …]) |
Return sample sequence of length n from a given discrete distribution or discrete cumulative distribution. |
zipf_rv (alpha[, xmin, seed]) |
Returns a random value chosen from the Zipf distribution. |
random_weighted_sample (mapping, k[, seed]) |
Returns k items without replacement from a weighted sample. |
weighted_choice (mapping[, seed]) |
Returns a single element from a weighted sample. |
open_file (path_arg[, mode]) |
Decorator to ensure clean opening and closing of files. |
not_implemented_for (*graph_types) |
Decorator to mark algorithms as not implemented |
nodes_or_number (which_args) |
Decorator to allow number of nodes or container of nodes. |
preserve_random_state (func) |
Decorator to preserve the numpy.random state during a function. |
random_state (random_state_index) |
Decorator to generate a numpy.random.RandomState instance. |
Cuthill-Mckee Ordering¶
Cuthill-McKee ordering of graph nodes to produce sparse matrices
cuthill_mckee_ordering (G[, heuristic]) |
Generate an ordering (permutation) of the graph nodes to make a sparse matrix. |
reverse_cuthill_mckee_ordering (G[, heuristic]) |
Generate an ordering (permutation) of the graph nodes to make a sparse matrix. |