Source code for networkx.algorithms.approximation.density

"""Fast algorithms for the densest subgraph problem"""

import networkx as nx

__all__ = ["densest_subgraph"]

def _greedy_plus_plus(G, iterations):
    if G.number_of_edges() == 0:
        return 0.0, set()
    if iterations < 1:
        raise ValueError(
            f"The number of iterations must be an integer >= 1. Provided: {iterations}"

    loads = {node: 0 for node in G.nodes}  # Load vector for Greedy++.
    best_density = 0.0  # Highest density encountered.
    best_subgraph = set()  # Nodes of the best subgraph found.

    for _ in range(iterations):
        # Initialize heap for fast access to minimum weighted degree.
        heap = nx.utils.BinaryHeap()

        # Compute initial weighted degrees and add nodes to the heap.
        for node, degree in
            heap.insert(node, loads[node] + degree)

        # Set up tracking for current graph state.
        remaining_nodes = set(G.nodes)
        num_edges = G.number_of_edges()
        current_degrees = dict(

        while remaining_nodes:
            num_nodes = len(remaining_nodes)

            # Current density of the (implicit) graph
            current_density = num_edges / num_nodes

            # Update the best density.
            if current_density > best_density:
                best_density = current_density
                best_subgraph = set(remaining_nodes)

            # Pop the node with the smallest weighted degree.
            node, _ = heap.pop()
            if node not in remaining_nodes:
                continue  # Skip nodes already removed.

            # Update the load of the popped node.
            loads[node] += current_degrees[node]

            # Update neighbors' degrees and the heap.
            for neighbor in G.neighbors(node):
                if neighbor in remaining_nodes:
                    current_degrees[neighbor] -= 1
                    num_edges -= 1
                    heap.insert(neighbor, loads[neighbor] + current_degrees[neighbor])

            # Remove the node from the remaining nodes.

    return best_density, best_subgraph

ALGORITHMS = {"greedy++": _greedy_plus_plus}

[docs] @nx.utils.not_implemented_for("directed") @nx.utils.not_implemented_for("multigraph") @nx._dispatchable def densest_subgraph(G, iterations=1, *, method="greedy++"): r"""Returns an approximate densest subgraph for a graph `G`. This function runs an iterative algorithm to find the densest subgraph, and returns both the density and the subgraph. For a discussion on the notion of density used and the different algorithms available on networkx, please see the Notes section below. Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX graph Undirected graph. iterations : int, optional (default=1) Number of iterations to use for the iterative algorithm. Can be specified positionally or as a keyword argument. method : string, optional (default='greedy++') The algorithm to use to approximate the densest subgraph. Supported options: 'greedy++'. Must be specified as a keyword argument. Other inputs produce a ValueError. Returns ------- d : float The density of the approximate subgraph found. S : set The subset of nodes defining the approximate densest subgraph. Examples -------- >>> G = nx.star_graph(4) >>> nx.approximation.densest_subgraph(G, iterations=1) (0.8, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}) Notes ----- The densest subgraph problem (DSG) asks to find the subgraph $S \subseteq V(G)$ with maximum density. For a subset of the nodes of $G$, $S \subseteq V(G)$, define $E(S) = \{ (u,v) : (u,v)\in E(G), u\in S, v\in S \}$ as the set of edges with both endpoints in $S$. The density of $S$ is defined as $|E(S)|/|S|$, the ratio between the edges in the subgraph $G[S]$ and the number of nodes in that subgraph. Note that this is different from the standard graph theoretic definition of density, defined as $\frac{2|E(S)|}{|S|(|S|-1)}$, for historical reasons. The densest subgraph problem is polynomial time solvable using maximum flow, commonly refered to as Goldberg's algorithm. However, the algorithm is quite involved. It first binary searches on the optimal density, $d^\ast$. For a guess of the density $d$, it sets up a flow network $G'$ with size O(m). The maximum flow solution either informs the algorithm that no subgraph with density $d$ exists, or it provides a subgraph with density at least $d$. However, this is inherently bottlenecked by the maximum flow algorithm. For example, [2]_ notes that Goldberg’s algorithm was not feasible on many large graphs even though they used a highly optimized maximum flow library. While exact solution algorithms are quite involved, there are several known approximation algorithms for the densest subgraph problem. Charikar [1]_ described a very simple 1/2-approximation algorithm for DSG known as the greedy "peeling" algorithm. The algorithm creates an ordering of the nodes as follows. The first node $v_1$ is the one with the smallest degree in $G$ (ties broken arbitrarily). It selects $v_2$ to be the smallest degree node in $G \setminus v_1$. Letting $G_i$ be the graph after removing $v_1, ..., v_i$ (with $G_0=G$), the algorithm returns the graph among $G_0, ..., G_n$ with the highest density. Boob et al. [2]_ generalized this algorithm into Greedy++, an iterative algorithm that runs several rounds of "peeling". In fact, Greedy++ with 1 iteration is precisely Charikar's algorithm. The algorithm converges to a $(1-\epsilon)$ approximate densest subgraph in $O(\Delta(G)\log n/\epsilon^2)$ iterations, where $\Delta(G)$ is the maximum degree, and $n$ is number of nodes in $G$. The algorithm also has other desirable properties as shown by [4]_ and [5]_. Harb et al. [3]_ gave a faster and more scalable algorithm using ideas from quadratic programming for the densest subgraph, which is based on a fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm (FISTA) algorithm. References ---------- .. [1] Charikar, Moses. "Greedy approximation algorithms for finding dense components in a graph." In International workshop on approximation algorithms for combinatorial optimization, pp. 84-95. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2000. .. [2] Boob, Digvijay, Yu Gao, Richard Peng, Saurabh Sawlani, Charalampos Tsourakakis, Di Wang, and Junxing Wang. "Flowless: Extracting densest subgraphs without flow computations." In Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020, pp. 573-583. 2020. .. [3] Harb, Elfarouk, Kent Quanrud, and Chandra Chekuri. "Faster and scalable algorithms for densest subgraph and decomposition." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35 (2022): 26966-26979. .. [4] Harb, Elfarouk, Kent Quanrud, and Chandra Chekuri. "Convergence to lexicographically optimal base in a (contra) polymatroid and applications to densest subgraph and tree packing." arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.02987 (2023). .. [5] Chekuri, Chandra, Kent Quanrud, and Manuel R. Torres. "Densest subgraph: Supermodularity, iterative peeling, and flow." In Proceedings of the 2022 Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), pp. 1531-1555. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2022. """ try: algo = ALGORITHMS[method] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError(f"{method} is not a valid choice for an algorithm.") from e return algo(G, iterations)