Algorithm for testing d-separation in DAGs.
*d-separation* is a test for conditional independence in probability
distributions that can be factorized using DAGs. It is a purely
graphical test that uses the underlying graph and makes no reference
to the actual distribution parameters. See [1]_ for a formal
The implementation is based on the conceptually simple linear time
algorithm presented in [2]_. Refer to [3]_, [4]_ for a couple of
alternative algorithms.
Here, we provide a brief overview of d-separation and related concepts that
are relevant for understanding it:
Blocking paths
Before we overview, we introduce the following terminology to describe paths:
- "open" path: A path between two nodes that can be traversed
- "blocked" path: A path between two nodes that cannot be traversed
A **collider** is a triplet of nodes along a path that is like the following:
``... u -> c <- v ...``), where 'c' is a common successor of ``u`` and ``v``. A path
through a collider is considered "blocked". When
a node that is a collider, or a descendant of a collider is included in
the d-separating set, then the path through that collider node is "open". If the
path through the collider node is open, then we will call this node an open collider.
The d-separation set blocks the paths between ``u`` and ``v``. If you include colliders,
or their descendant nodes in the d-separation set, then those colliders will open up,
enabling a path to be traversed if it is not blocked some other way.
Illustration of D-separation with examples
For a pair of two nodes, ``u`` and ``v``, all paths are considered open if
there is a path between ``u`` and ``v`` that is not blocked. That means, there is an open
path between ``u`` and ``v`` that does not encounter a collider, or a variable in the
d-separating set.
For example, if the d-separating set is the empty set, then the following paths are
unblocked between ``u`` and ``v``:
- u <- z -> v
- u -> w -> ... -> z -> v
If for example, 'z' is in the d-separating set, then 'z' blocks those paths
between ``u`` and ``v``.
Colliders block a path by default if they and their descendants are not included
in the d-separating set. An example of a path that is blocked when the d-separating
set is empty is:
- u -> w -> ... -> z <- v
because 'z' is a collider in this path and 'z' is not in the d-separating set. However,
if 'z' or a descendant of 'z' is included in the d-separating set, then the path through
the collider at 'z' (... -> z <- ...) is now "open".
D-separation is concerned with blocking all paths between u and v. Therefore, a
d-separating set between ``u`` and ``v`` is one where all paths are blocked.
D-separation and its applications in probability
D-separation is commonly used in probabilistic graphical models. D-separation
connects the idea of probabilistic "dependence" with separation in a graph. If
one assumes the causal Markov condition [5]_, then d-separation implies conditional
independence in probability distributions.
>>> # HMM graph with five states and observation nodes
... g = nx.DiGraph()
>>> g.add_edges_from(
... [
... ("S1", "S2"),
... ("S2", "S3"),
... ("S3", "S4"),
... ("S4", "S5"),
... ("S1", "O1"),
... ("S2", "O2"),
... ("S3", "O3"),
... ("S4", "O4"),
... ("S5", "O5"),
... ]
... )
>>> # states/obs before 'S3' are d-separated from states/obs after 'S3'
... nx.d_separated(g, {"S1", "S2", "O1", "O2"}, {"S4", "S5", "O4", "O5"}, {"S3"})
.. [1] Pearl, J. (2009). Causality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
.. [2] Darwiche, A. (2009). Modeling and reasoning with Bayesian networks.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
.. [3] Shachter, R. D. (1998).
Bayes-ball: rational pastime (for determining irrelevance and requisite
information in belief networks and influence diagrams).
In , Proceedings of the Fourteenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial
Intelligence (pp. 480–487).
San Francisco, CA, USA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.
.. [4] Koller, D., & Friedman, N. (2009).
Probabilistic graphical models: principles and techniques. The MIT Press.
.. [5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causal_Markov_condition
from collections import deque
import networkx as nx
from networkx.utils import UnionFind, not_implemented_for
__all__ = ["d_separated", "minimal_d_separator", "is_minimal_d_separator"]
def d_separated(G, x, y, z):
Return whether node sets ``x`` and ``y`` are d-separated by ``z``.
G : graph
A NetworkX DAG.
x : set
First set of nodes in ``G``.
y : set
Second set of nodes in ``G``.
z : set
Set of conditioning nodes in ``G``. Can be empty set.
b : bool
A boolean that is true if ``x`` is d-separated from ``y`` given ``z`` in ``G``.
The *d-separation* test is commonly used with directed
graphical models which are acyclic. Accordingly, the algorithm
raises a :exc:`NetworkXError` if the input graph is not a DAG.
If any of the input nodes are not found in the graph,
a :exc:`NodeNotFound` exception is raised.
A d-separating set in a DAG is a set of nodes that
blocks all paths between the two sets. Nodes in `z`
block a path if they are part of the path and are not a collider,
or a descendant of a collider. A collider structure along a path
is ``... -> c <- ...`` where ``c`` is the collider node.
if not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(G):
raise nx.NetworkXError("graph should be directed acyclic")
union_xyz = x.union(y).union(z)
if any(n not in G.nodes for n in union_xyz):
raise nx.NodeNotFound("one or more specified nodes not found in the graph")
G_copy = G.copy()
# transform the graph by removing leaves that are not in x | y | z
# until no more leaves can be removed.
leaves = deque([n for n in G_copy.nodes if G_copy.out_degree[n] == 0])
while len(leaves) > 0:
leaf = leaves.popleft()
if leaf not in union_xyz:
for p in G_copy.predecessors(leaf):
if G_copy.out_degree[p] == 1:
# transform the graph by removing outgoing edges from the
# conditioning set.
edges_to_remove = list(G_copy.out_edges(z))
# use disjoint-set data structure to check if any node in `x`
# occurs in the same weakly connected component as a node in `y`.
disjoint_set = UnionFind(G_copy.nodes())
for component in nx.weakly_connected_components(G_copy):
if x and y and disjoint_set[next(iter(x))] == disjoint_set[next(iter(y))]:
return False
return True
def minimal_d_separator(G, u, v):
"""Compute a minimal d-separating set between 'u' and 'v'.
A d-separating set in a DAG is a set of nodes that blocks all paths
between the two nodes, 'u' and 'v'. This function
constructs a d-separating set that is "minimal", meaning it is the smallest
d-separating set for 'u' and 'v'. This is not necessarily
unique. For more details, see Notes.
G : graph
A networkx DAG.
u : node
A node in the graph, G.
v : node
A node in the graph, G.
Raises a :exc:`NetworkXError` if the input graph is not a DAG.
If any of the input nodes are not found in the graph,
a :exc:`NodeNotFound` exception is raised.
.. [1] Tian, J., & Paz, A. (1998). Finding Minimal D-separators.
This function only finds ``a`` minimal d-separator. It does not guarantee
uniqueness, since in a DAG there may be more than one minimal d-separator
between two nodes. Moreover, this only checks for minimal separators
between two nodes, not two sets. Finding minimal d-separators between
two sets of nodes is not supported.
Uses the algorithm presented in [1]_. The complexity of the algorithm
is :math:`O(|E_{An}^m|)`, where :math:`|E_{An}^m|` stands for the
number of edges in the moralized graph of the sub-graph consisting
of only the ancestors of 'u' and 'v'. For full details, see [1]_.
The algorithm works by constructing the moral graph consisting of just
the ancestors of `u` and `v`. Then it constructs a candidate for
a separating set ``Z'`` from the predecessors of `u` and `v`.
Then BFS is run starting from `u` and marking nodes
found from ``Z'`` and calling those nodes ``Z''``.
Then BFS is run again starting from `v` and marking nodes if they are
present in ``Z''``. Those marked nodes are the returned minimal
d-separating set.
if not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(G):
raise nx.NetworkXError("graph should be directed acyclic")
union_uv = {u, v}
if any(n not in G.nodes for n in union_uv):
raise nx.NodeNotFound("one or more specified nodes not found in the graph")
# first construct the set of ancestors of X and Y
x_anc = nx.ancestors(G, u)
y_anc = nx.ancestors(G, v)
D_anc_xy = x_anc.union(y_anc)
D_anc_xy.update((u, v))
# second, construct the moralization of the subgraph of Anc(X,Y)
moral_G = nx.moral_graph(G.subgraph(D_anc_xy))
# find a separating set Z' in moral_G
Z_prime = set(G.predecessors(u)).union(set(G.predecessors(v)))
# perform BFS on the graph from 'x' to mark
Z_dprime = _bfs_with_marks(moral_G, u, Z_prime)
Z = _bfs_with_marks(moral_G, v, Z_dprime)
return Z
def is_minimal_d_separator(G, u, v, z):
"""Determine if a d-separating set is minimal.
A d-separating set, `z`, in a DAG is a set of nodes that blocks
all paths between the two nodes, `u` and `v`. This function
verifies that a set is "minimal", meaning there is no smaller
d-separating set between the two nodes.
Note: This function checks whether `z` is a d-separator AND is minimal.
One can use the function `d_separated` to only check if `z` is a d-separator.
See examples below.
G : nx.DiGraph
The graph.
u : node
A node in the graph.
v : node
A node in the graph.
z : Set of nodes
The set of nodes to check if it is a minimal d-separating set.
The function :func:`d_separated` is called inside this function
to verify that `z` is in fact a d-separator.
Whether or not the set `z` is a d-separator and is also minimal.
>>> G = nx.path_graph([0, 1, 2, 3], create_using=nx.DiGraph)
>>> G.add_node(4)
>>> nx.is_minimal_d_separator(G, 0, 2, {1})
>>> # since {1} is the minimal d-separator, {1, 3, 4} is not minimal
>>> nx.is_minimal_d_separator(G, 0, 2, {1, 3, 4})
>>> # alternatively, if we only want to check that {1, 3, 4} is a d-separator
>>> nx.d_separated(G, {0}, {4}, {1, 3, 4})
Raises a :exc:`NetworkXError` if the input graph is not a DAG.
If any of the input nodes are not found in the graph,
a :exc:`NodeNotFound` exception is raised.
.. [1] Tian, J., & Paz, A. (1998). Finding Minimal D-separators.
This function only works on verifying a d-separating set is minimal
between two nodes. To verify that a d-separating set is minimal between
two sets of nodes is not supported.
Uses algorithm 2 presented in [1]_. The complexity of the algorithm
is :math:`O(|E_{An}^m|)`, where :math:`|E_{An}^m|` stands for the
number of edges in the moralized graph of the sub-graph consisting
of only the ancestors of ``u`` and ``v``.
The algorithm works by constructing the moral graph consisting of just
the ancestors of `u` and `v`. First, it performs BFS on the moral graph
starting from `u` and marking any nodes it encounters that are part of
the separating set, `z`. If a node is marked, then it does not continue
along that path. In the second stage, BFS with markings is repeated on the
moral graph starting from `v`. If at any stage, any node in `z` is
not marked, then `z` is considered not minimal. If the end of the algorithm
is reached, then `z` is minimal.
For full details, see [1]_.
if not nx.d_separated(G, {u}, {v}, z):
return False
x_anc = nx.ancestors(G, u)
y_anc = nx.ancestors(G, v)
xy_anc = x_anc.union(y_anc)
# if Z contains any node which is not in ancestors of X or Y
# then it is definitely not minimal
if any(node not in xy_anc for node in z):
return False
D_anc_xy = x_anc.union(y_anc)
D_anc_xy.update((u, v))
# second, construct the moralization of the subgraph
moral_G = nx.moral_graph(G.subgraph(D_anc_xy))
# start BFS from X
marks = _bfs_with_marks(moral_G, u, z)
# if not all the Z is marked, then the set is not minimal
if any(node not in marks for node in z):
return False
# similarly, start BFS from Y and check the marks
marks = _bfs_with_marks(moral_G, v, z)
# if not all the Z is marked, then the set is not minimal
if any(node not in marks for node in z):
return False
return True
def _bfs_with_marks(G, start_node, check_set):
"""Breadth-first-search with markings.
Performs BFS starting from ``start_node`` and whenever a node
inside ``check_set`` is met, it is "marked". Once a node is marked,
BFS does not continue along that path. The resulting marked nodes
are returned.
G : nx.Graph
An undirected graph.
start_node : node
The start of the BFS.
check_set : set
The set of nodes to check against.
marked : set
A set of nodes that were marked.
visited = {}
marked = set()
queue = []
visited[start_node] = None
while queue:
m = queue.pop(0)
for nbr in G.neighbors(m):
if nbr not in visited:
# memoize where we visited so far
visited[nbr] = None
# mark the node in Z' and do not continue along that path
if nbr in check_set:
return marked