
This documents an unmaintained version of NetworkX. Please upgrade to a maintained version and see the current NetworkX documentation.


greedy_branching(G, attr='weight', default=1, kind='max')[source]

Returns a branching obtained through a greedy algorithm.

This algorithm is wrong, and cannot give a proper optimal branching. However, we include it for pedagogical reasons, as it can be helpful to see what its outputs are.

The output is a branching, and possibly, a spanning arborescence. However, it is not guaranteed to be optimal in either case.

  • G (DiGraph) – The directed graph to scan.
  • attr (str) – The attribute to use as weights. If None, then each edge will be treated equally with a weight of 1.
  • default (float) – When attr is not None, then if an edge does not have that attribute, default specifies what value it should take.
  • kind (str) – The type of optimum to search for: ‘min’ or ‘max’ greedy branching.

B – The greedily obtained branching.

Return type:

directed graph