This documents an unmaintained version of NetworkX. Please upgrade to a maintained version and see the current NetworkX documentation.
Connected components.
is_connected (G) |
Return True if the graph is connected, false otherwise. |
number_connected_components (G) |
Return the number of connected components. |
connected_components (G) |
Generate connected components. |
connected_component_subgraphs (G[, copy]) |
Generate connected components as subgraphs. |
node_connected_component (G, n) |
Return the nodes in the component of graph containing node n. |
Strong connectivity¶
Strongly connected components.
is_strongly_connected (G) |
Test directed graph for strong connectivity. |
number_strongly_connected_components (G) |
Return number of strongly connected components in graph. |
strongly_connected_components (G) |
Generate nodes in strongly connected components of graph. |
strongly_connected_component_subgraphs (G[, copy]) |
Generate strongly connected components as subgraphs. |
strongly_connected_components_recursive (G) |
Generate nodes in strongly connected components of graph. |
kosaraju_strongly_connected_components (G[, ...]) |
Generate nodes in strongly connected components of graph. |
condensation (G[, scc]) |
Returns the condensation of G. |
Weak connectivity¶
Weakly connected components.
is_weakly_connected (G) |
Test directed graph for weak connectivity. |
number_weakly_connected_components (G) |
Return the number of weakly connected components in G. |
weakly_connected_components (G) |
Generate weakly connected components of G. |
weakly_connected_component_subgraphs (G[, copy]) |
Generate weakly connected components as subgraphs. |
Attracting components¶
Attracting components.
is_attracting_component (G) |
Returns True if ![]() |
number_attracting_components (G) |
Returns the number of attracting components in ![]() |
attracting_components (G) |
Generates a list of attracting components in ![]() |
attracting_component_subgraphs (G[, copy]) |
Generates a list of attracting component subgraphs from ![]() |
Biconnected components¶
Biconnected components and articulation points.
is_biconnected (G) |
Return True if the graph is biconnected, False otherwise. |
biconnected_components (G) |
Return a generator of sets of nodes, one set for each biconnected |
biconnected_component_edges (G) |
Return a generator of lists of edges, one list for each biconnected component of the input graph. |
biconnected_component_subgraphs (G[, copy]) |
Return a generator of graphs, one graph for each biconnected component of the input graph. |
articulation_points (G) |
Return a generator of articulation points, or cut vertices, of a graph. |
is_semiconnected (G) |
Return True if the graph is semiconnected, False otherwise. |