
has_eulerian_path(G, source=None)[source]#

Return True iff G has an Eulerian path.

An Eulerian path is a path in a graph which uses each edge of a graph exactly once. If source is specified, then this function checks whether an Eulerian path that starts at node source exists.

A directed graph has an Eulerian path iff:
  • at most one vertex has out_degree - in_degree = 1,

  • at most one vertex has in_degree - out_degree = 1,

  • every other vertex has equal in_degree and out_degree,

  • and all of its vertices with nonzero degree belong to a single connected component of the underlying undirected graph.

If source is not None, an Eulerian path starting at source exists if no other node has out_degree - in_degree = 1. This is equivalent to either there exists an Eulerian circuit or source has out_degree - in_degree = 1 and the conditions above hold.

An undirected graph has an Eulerian path iff:
  • exactly zero or two vertices have odd degree,

  • and all of its vertices with nonzero degree belong to a

  • single connected component.

If source is not None, an Eulerian path starting at source exists if either there exists an Eulerian circuit or source has an odd degree and the conditions above hold.

GNetworkX Graph

The graph to find an euler path in.

sourcenode, optional

Starting node for path.

BoolTrue if G has an Eulerian path.