
This documents an unmaintained version of NetworkX. Please upgrade to a maintained version and see the current NetworkX documentation.


grid_2d_graph(m, n, periodic=False, create_using=None)[source]

Returns the two-dimensional grid graph.

The grid graph has each node connected to its four nearest neighbors.

  • m, n (int or iterable container of nodes) – If an integer, nodes are from range(n). If a container, elements become the coordinate of the nodes.
  • periodic (bool (default: False)) – If this is True the nodes on the grid boundaries are joined to the corresponding nodes on the opposite grid boundaries.
  • create_using (NetworkX graph (default: Graph())) – If provided this graph is cleared of nodes and edges and filled with the new graph. Usually used to set the type of the graph.

The (possibly periodic) grid graph of the specified dimensions.

Return type:

NetworkX graph