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(G, nbunch=None, reverse=False)[source]¶ Return a list of nodes in topological sort order.
A topological sort is a nonunique permutation of the nodes such that an edge from u to v implies that u appears before v in the topological sort order.
Parameters: G : NetworkX digraph
nbunch : container of nodes (optional)
Explore graph in specified order given in nbunch
reverse : bool, optional
Return postorder instead of preorder if True. Reverse mode is a bit more efficient.
Raises: NetworkXError
Topological sort is defined for directed graphs only. If the graph G is undirected, a NetworkXError is raised.
If G is not a directed acyclic graph (DAG) no topological sort exists and a NetworkXUnfeasible exception is raised.
See also
This is a recursive version of topological sort.