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(G, weight=None)[source]¶ 2-OPT Local Ratio for Minimum Weighted Vertex Cover
Find an approximate minimum weighted vertex cover of a graph.
Parameters: G : NetworkX graph
Undirected graph
weight : None or string, optional (default = None)
If None, every edge has weight/distance/cost 1. If a string, use this edge attribute as the edge weight. Any edge attribute not present defaults to 1.
Returns: min_weighted_cover : set
Returns a set of vertices whose weight sum is no more than 2 * OPT.
Local-Ratio algorithm for computing an approximate vertex cover. Algorithm greedily reduces the costs over edges and iteratively builds a cover. Worst-case runtime is O(|E|).
[R147] Bar-Yehuda, R., & Even, S. (1985). A local-ratio theorem for approximating the weighted vertex cover problem. Annals of Discrete Mathematics, 25, 27–46 http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~reuven/PDF/vc_lr.pdf