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geographical_threshold_graph(n, theta, alpha=2, dim=2, pos=None, weight=None)[source]

Return a geographical threshold graph.

The geographical threshold graph model places n nodes uniformly at random in a rectangular domain. Each node u is assigned a weight w_u. Two nodes u,v are connected with an edge if

w_u + w_v \ge \theta r^{\alpha}

where r is the Euclidean distance between u and v, and \theta, \alpha are parameters.

Parameters :

n : int

Number of nodes

theta: float :

Threshold value

alpha: float, optional :

Exponent of distance function

dim : int, optional

Dimension of graph

pos : dict

Node positions as a dictionary of tuples keyed by node.

weight : dict

Node weights as a dictionary of numbers keyed by node.

Returns :

Graph :


If weights are not specified they are assigned to nodes by drawing randomly from an the exponential distribution with rate parameter \lambda=1. To specify a weights from a different distribution assign them to a dictionary and pass it as the weight= keyword

>>> import random
>>> n = 20
>>> w=dict((i,random.expovariate(5.0)) for i in range(n))
>>> G = nx.geographical_threshold_graph(20,50,weight=w)

If node positions are not specified they are randomly assigned from the uniform distribution.


[R199]Masuda, N., Miwa, H., Konno, N.: Geographical threshold graphs with small-world and scale-free properties. Physical Review E 71, 036108 (2005)
[R200]Milan Bradonjić, Aric Hagberg and Allon G. Percus, Giant component and connectivity in geographical threshold graphs, in Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph (WAW 2007), Antony Bonato and Fan Chung (Eds), pp. 209–216, 2007


>>> G = nx.geographical_threshold_graph(20,50)