Package networkx :: Module search
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Module search

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Search algorithms.

See also networkx.path.


Author: Eben Kenah ( Aric Hagberg (

Functions [hide private]
dfs_preorder(G, source=None, reverse_graph=False)
Return list of nodes connected to source in DFS preorder.
source code
dfs_postorder(G, source=None, reverse_graph=False)
Return list of nodes connected to source in DFS preorder.
source code
dfs_tree(G, source=None, reverse_graph=False)
Return directed graph (tree) of depth-first-search with root at source.
source code
dfs_predecessor(G, source=None, reverse_graph=False)
Return predecessors of depth-first-search with root at source.
source code
dfs_successor(G, source=None, reverse_graph=False)
Return succesors of depth-first-search with root at source.
source code
_test_suite() source code
Variables [hide private]
  __revision__ = ''
Function Details [hide private]

dfs_preorder(G, source=None, reverse_graph=False)

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Return list of nodes connected to source in DFS preorder. Traverse the graph G with depth-first-search from source. Non-recursive algorithm.

dfs_postorder(G, source=None, reverse_graph=False)

source code 
Return list of nodes connected to source in DFS preorder. Traverse the graph G with depth-first-search from source. Non-recursive algorithm.

dfs_tree(G, source=None, reverse_graph=False)

source code 
Return directed graph (tree) of depth-first-search with root at source. If the graph is disconnected, return a disconnected graph (forest).