Package networkx :: Package generators :: Module degree_seq
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Source Code for Module networkx.generators.degree_seq

  1  """ 
  2  Generate graphs with a given degree sequence or expected degree sequence. 
  4  """ 
  5  #    Copyright (C) 2004-2006 by  
  6  #    Aric Hagberg <> 
  7  #    Dan Schult <> 
  8  #    Pieter Swart <> 
  9  #    Distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License 
 10  # 
 12  __author__ = """Aric Hagberg (\nPieter Swart (\nDan Schult (""" 
 14  import random 
 15  import networkx 
 16  import networkx.utils 
 17  from networkx.generators.classic import empty_graph 
 18  import heapq 
 19  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 20  #  Generating Graphs with a given degree sequence 
 21  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
23 -def configuration_model(deg_sequence,seed=None):
24 """Return a random pseudograph with the given degree sequence. 25 26 - `deg_sequence`: degree sequence, a list of integers with each entry 27 corresponding to the degree of a node (need not be 28 sorted). A non-graphical degree sequence (i.e. one 29 not realizable by some simple graph) will raise an 30 Exception. 31 - `seed`: seed for random number generator (default=None) 32 33 34 >>> z=create_degree_sequence(100,powerlaw_sequence) 35 >>> G=configuration_model(z) 36 37 The pseudograph G is a networkx.XGraph that allows multiple (parallel) edges 38 between nodes and edges that connect nodes to themseves (self loops). 39 40 To remove self-loops: 41 42 >>> G.ban_selfloops() 43 44 To remove parallel edges: 45 46 >>> G.ban_multiedges() 47 48 Steps: 49 50 - Check if deg_sequence is a valid degree sequence. 51 - Create N nodes with stubs for attaching edges 52 - Randomly select two available stubs and connect them with an edge. 53 54 As described by Newman [newman-2003-structure]. 55 56 Nodes are labeled 1,.., len(deg_sequence), 57 corresponding to their position in deg_sequence. 58 59 This process can lead to duplicate edges and loops, and therefore 60 returns a pseudograph type. You can remove the self-loops and 61 parallel edges (see above) with the likely result of 62 not getting the exat degree sequence specified. 63 This "finite-size effect" decreases as the size of the graph increases. 64 65 References: 66 67 [newman-2003-structure] M.E.J. Newman, "The structure and function 68 of complex networks", SIAM REVIEW 45-2, pp 167-256, 2003. 69 70 """ 71 if not sum(deg_sequence)%2 ==0: 72 raise networkx.NetworkXError, 'Invalid degree sequence' 73 74 if not seed is None: 75 random.seed(seed) 76 77 # start with empty N-node graph 78 N=len(deg_sequence) 79 # G=networkx.empty_graph(N,create_using=networkx.Graph()) # no multiedges or selfloops 80 81 # allow multiedges and selfloops 82 G=networkx.empty_graph(N,create_using=networkx.XGraph(multiedges=True, \ 83 selfloops=True)) 84 85 if N==0 or max(deg_sequence)==0: # done if no edges 86 return G 87 88 # build stublist, a list of available degree-repeated stubs 89 # e.g. for deg_sequence=[3,2,1,1,1] 90 # initially, stublist=[1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5] 91 # i.e., node 1 has degree=3 and is repeated 3 times, etc. 92 stublist=[] 93 for n in G: 94 for i in range(deg_sequence[n-1]): 95 stublist.append(n) 96 97 # shuffle stublist and assign pairs by removing 2 elements at a time 98 random.shuffle(stublist) 99 while stublist: 100 n1 = stublist.pop() 101 n2 = stublist.pop() 102 G.add_edge(n1,n2) 103 104"configuration_model %d nodes %d edges"%(G.order(),G.size()) 105 return G
106 107
108 -def expected_degree_graph(w, seed=None):
109 """Return a random graph G(w) with expected degrees given by w. 110 111 :Parameters: 112 - `w`: a list of expected degrees 113 - `seed`: seed for random number generator (default=None) 114 115 >>> z=[10 for i in range(100)] 116 >>> G=expected_degree_graph(z) 117 118 To remove self-loops: 119 120 >>> G.ban_selfloops() 121 122 Reference:: 123 124 @Article{connected-components-2002, 125 author = {Fan Chung and L. Lu}, 126 title = {Connected components in random graphs 127 with given expected degree sequences}, 128 journal = {Ann. Combinatorics}, 129 year = {2002}, 130 volume = {6}, 131 pages = {125-145}, 132 } 133 134 135 """ 136 137 n = len(w) 138 # allow self loops 139 G=networkx.empty_graph(n,create_using=networkx.XGraph(selfloops=True)) 140"random_expected_degree_graph" 141 142 if n==0 or max(w)==0: # done if no edges 143 return G 144 145 d = sum(w) 146 rho = 1.0 / float(d) # Vol(G) 147 for i in xrange(n): 148 if (w[i])**2 > d: 149 raise networkx.NetworkXError,\ 150 "NetworkXError w[i]**2 must be <= sum(w)\ 151 for all i, w[%d] = %f, sum(w) = %f" % (i,w[i],d) 152 153 if seed is not None: 154 random.seed(seed) 155 156 for u in xrange(n): 157 for v in xrange(u,n): 158 if random.random() < w[u]*w[v]*rho: 159 G.add_edge(u,v) 160 return G
161 162
163 -def havel_hakimi_graph(deg_sequence):
164 """Return a simple graph with given degree sequence, constructed using the 165 Havel-Hakimi algorithm. 166 167 - `deg_sequence`: degree sequence, a list of integers with each entry 168 corresponding to the degree of a node (need not be sorted). 169 A non-graphical degree sequence (not sorted). 170 A non-graphical degree sequence (i.e. one 171 not realizable by some simple graph) raises an Exception. 172 173 The Havel-Hakimi algorithm constructs a simple graph by 174 successively connecting the node of highest degree to other nodes 175 of highest degree, resorting remaining nodes by degree, and 176 repeating the process. The resulting graph has a high 177 degree-associativity. Nodes are labeled 1,.., len(deg_sequence), 178 corresponding to their position in deg_sequence. 179 180 See Theorem 1.4 in [chartrand-graphs-1996]. 181 This algorithm is also used in the function is_valid_degree_sequence. 182 183 References: 184 185 [chartrand-graphs-1996] G. Chartrand and L. Lesniak, "Graphs and Digraphs", 186 Chapman and Hall/CRC, 1996. 187 188 """ 189 if not is_valid_degree_sequence(deg_sequence): 190 raise networkx.NetworkXError, 'Invalid degree sequence' 191 192 193 N=len(deg_sequence) 194 G=networkx.empty_graph(N) # always return a simple graph 195 196 if N==0 or max(deg_sequence)==0: # done if no edges 197 return G 198 199 # form list of [stubs,name] for each node. 200 stublist=[ [deg_sequence[n],n] for n in G] 201 # Now connect the stubs 202 while stublist: 203 stublist.sort() 204 if stublist[0][0]<0: # took too many off some vertex 205 return False # should not happen if deg_seq is valid 206 207 (freestubs,source) = stublist.pop() # the node with the most stubs 208 if freestubs==0: break # the rest must also be 0 --Done! 209 if freestubs > len(stublist): # Trouble--can't make that many edges 210 return False # should not happen if deg_seq is valid 211 212 # attach edges to biggest nodes 213 for stubtarget in stublist[-freestubs:]: 214 G.add_edge(source, stubtarget[1]) 215 stubtarget[0] -= 1 # updating stublist on the fly 216 217"havel_hakimi_graph %d nodes %d edges"%(G.order(),G.size()) 218 return G
220 -def degree_sequence_tree(deg_sequence):
221 """ 222 Make a tree for the given degree sequence. 223 224 A tree has #nodes-#edges=1 so 225 the degree sequence must have 226 len(deg_sequence)-sum(deg_sequence)/2=1 227 """ 228 229 if not len(deg_sequence)-sum(deg_sequence)/2.0 == 1.0: 230 raise networkx.NetworkXError,"Degree sequence invalid" 231 232 G=empty_graph(0) 233 # single node tree 234 if len(deg_sequence)==1: 235 return G 236 deg=[s for s in deg_sequence if s>1] # all degrees greater than 1 237 deg.sort(reverse=True) 238 239 # make path graph as backbone 240 n=len(deg)+2 241 G=networkx.path_graph(n) 242 last=n 243 244 # add the leaves 245 for source in range(1,n-1): 246 nedges=deg.pop()-2 247 for target in range(last,last+nedges): 248 G.add_edge(source, target) 249 last+=nedges 250 251 # in case we added one too many 252 if len(>len(deg_sequence): 253 G.delete_node(0) 254 return G
255 256
257 -def is_valid_degree_sequence(deg_sequence):
258 """Return True if deg_sequence is a valid sequence of integer degrees 259 equal to the degree sequence of some simple graph. 260 261 - `deg_sequence`: degree sequence, a list of integers with each entry 262 corresponding to the degree of a node (need not be sorted). 263 A non-graphical degree sequence (i.e. one not realizable by some 264 simple graph) will raise an exception. 265 266 See Theorem 1.4 in [chartrand-graphs-1996]. This algorithm is also used 267 in havel_hakimi_graph() 268 269 References: 270 271 [chartrand-graphs-1996] G. Chartrand and L. Lesniak, "Graphs and Digraphs", 272 Chapman and Hall/CRC, 1996. 273 274 """ 275 # some simple tests 276 if deg_sequence==[]: 277 return True # empty sequence = empty graph 278 if not networkx.utils.is_list_of_ints(deg_sequence): 279 return False # list of ints 280 if min(deg_sequence)<0: 281 return False # each int not negative 282 if sum(deg_sequence)%2: 283 return False # must be even 284 285 # successively reduce degree sequence by removing node of maximum degree 286 # as in Havel-Hakimi algorithm 287 288 s=deg_sequence[:] # copy to s 289 while s: 290 s.sort() # sort in non-increasing order 291 if s[0]<0: 292 return False # check if removed too many from some node 293 294 d=s.pop() # pop largest degree 295 if d==0: return True # done! rest must be zero due to ordering 296 297 # degree must be <= number of available nodes 298 if d>len(s): return False 299 300 # remove edges to nodes of next higher degrees 301 s.reverse() # to make it easy to get at higher degree nodes. 302 for i in range(d): 303 s[i]-=1 304 305 # should never get here b/c either d==0, d>len(s) or d<0 before s=[] 306 return False
307 308
309 -def create_degree_sequence(n, sfunction=None, max_tries=50, **kwds):
310 """ Attempt to create a valid degree sequence of length n using 311 specified function sfunction(n,**kwds). 312 313 - `n`: length of degree sequence = number of nodes 314 - `sfunction`: a function, called as "sfunction(n,**kwds)", 315 that returns a list of n real or integer values. 316 - `max_tries`: max number of attempts at creating valid degree 317 sequence. 318 319 Repeatedly create a degree sequence by calling sfunction(n,**kwds) 320 until achieving a valid degree sequence. If unsuccessful after 321 max_tries attempts, raise an exception. 322 323 For examples of sfunctions that return sequences of random numbers, 324 see networkx.Utils. 325 326 >>> from networkx.utils import * 327 >>> seq=create_degree_sequence(10,uniform_sequence) 328 329 """ 330 tries=0 331 max_deg=n 332 while tries < max_tries: 333 trialseq=sfunction(n,**kwds) 334 # round to integer values in the range [0,max_deg] 335 seq=[min(max_deg, max( int(round(s)),0 )) for s in trialseq] 336 # if graphical return, else throw away and try again 337 if is_valid_degree_sequence(seq): 338 return seq 339 tries+=1 340 raise networkx.NetworkXError, \ 341 "Exceeded max (%d) attempts at a valid sequence."%max_tries
343 -def double_edge_swap(G, nswap=1):
344 """Attempt nswap double-edge swaps on the graph G. 345 346 Return count of successful swaps. 347 The graph G is modified in place. 348 A double-edge swap removes two randomly choseen edges u-v and x-y 349 and creates the new edges u-x and v-y:: 350 351 u--v u v 352 becomes | | 353 x--y x y 354 355 356 If either the edge u-x or v-y already exist no swap is performed so 357 the actual count of swapped edges is always <= nswap 358 359 Does not enforce any connectivity constraints. 360 """ 361 # this algorithm and connected_double_edge_swap avoid choosing 362 # uniformly at random from a generated edge list by instead 363 # choosing nonuniformly from the set nodes (probability weighted by degree) 364 n=0 365 swapcount=0 366 367 dk=deg.keys() # key labels 368 cdf=networkx.utils.cumulative_distribution(deg.values()) # cdf of degree 369 if len(cdf)<4: 370 raise networkx.NetworkXError, \ 371 "Graph has less than four nodes." 372 while n < nswap: 373 # if random.random() < 0.5: continue # trick to avoid periodicities? 374 # pick two randon edges without creating edge list 375 # choose source node indices from discrete distribution 376 (ui,xi)=networkx.utils.discrete_sequence(2,cdistribution=cdf) 377 if ui==xi: continue # same source, skip 378 u=dk[ui] # convert index to label 379 x=dk[xi] 380 v=random.choice(G[u]) # choose target uniformly from nbrs 381 y=random.choice(G[x]) 382 if v==y: continue # same target, skip 383 if (not G.has_edge(u,x)) and (not G.has_edge(v,y)): 384 G.add_edge(u,x) 385 G.add_edge(v,y) 386 G.delete_edge(u,v) 387 G.delete_edge(x,y) 388 swapcount+=1 389 n+=1 390 return swapcount
392 -def connected_double_edge_swap(G, nswap=1):
393 """Attempt nswap double-edge swaps on the graph G. 394 395 Returns count of successful swaps. Enforces connectivity. 396 The graph G is modified in place. 397 398 A double-edge swap removes two randomly choseen edges u-v and x-y 399 and creates the new edges u-x and v-y:: 400 401 u--v u v 402 becomes | | 403 x--y x y 404 405 406 If either the edge u-x or v-y already exist no swap is performed so 407 the actual count of swapped edges is always <= nswap 408 409 The initial graph G must be connected and the resulting graph is connected. 410 411 Reference:: 412 413 @misc{gkantsidis-03-markov, 414 author = "C. Gkantsidis and M. Mihail and E. Zegura", 415 title = "The Markov chain simulation method for generating connected 416 power law random graphs", 417 year = "2003", 418 url = "" 419 } 420 421 422 """ 423 import math 424 if not networkx.is_connected(G): 425 raise networkx.NetworkXException("Graph not connected") 426 427 n=0 428 swapcount=0 429 430 dk=deg.keys() # key labels 431 432 cdf=networkx.utils.cumulative_distribution( 433 if len(cdf)<4: 434 raise networkx.NetworkXError, \ 435 "Graph has less than four nodes." 436 window=1 437 while n < nswap: 438 wcount=0 439 swapped=[] 440 while wcount < window and n < nswap: 441 # pick two randon edges without creating edge list 442 # chose source nodes from discrete distribution 443 (ui,xi)=networkx.utils.discrete_sequence(2,cdistribution=cdf) 444 if ui==xi: continue # same source, skip 445 u=dk[ui] # convert index to label 446 x=dk[xi] 447 v=random.choice(G[u]) # choose target uniformly from nbrs 448 y=random.choice(G[x]) 449 if v==y: continue # same target, skip 450 if (not G.has_edge(u,x)) and (not G.has_edge(v,y)): 451 G.delete_edge(u,v) 452 G.delete_edge(x,y) 453 G.add_edge(u,x) 454 G.add_edge(v,y) 455 swapped.append((u,v,x,y)) 456 swapcount+=1 457 n+=1 458 wcount+=1 459 if networkx.is_connected(G): # increase window 460 window+=1 461 else: # undo changes from previous window, decrease window 462 while swapped: 463 (u,v,x,y)=swapped.pop() 464 G.add_edge(u,v) 465 G.add_edge(x,y) 466 G.delete_edge(u,x) 467 G.delete_edge(v,y) 468 swapcount-=1 469 window = int(math.ceil(float(window)/2)) 470 assert == ideg 471 return swapcount
472 473 474
475 -def li_smax_graph(degree_seq):
476 """Generates a graph based with a given degree sequence and maximizing 477 the s-metric. Experimental implementation. 478 479 Maximum s-metrix means that high degree nodes are connected to high 480 degree nodes. 481 482 - `degree_seq`: degree sequence, a list of integers with each entry 483 corresponding to the degree of a node. 484 A non-graphical degree sequence raises an Exception. 485 486 Reference:: 487 488 @unpublished{li-2005, 489 author = {Lun Li and David Alderson and Reiko Tanaka 490 and John C. Doyle and Walter Willinger}, 491 title = {Towards a Theory of Scale-Free Graphs: 492 Definition, Properties, and Implications (Extended Version)}, 493 url = {}, 494 year = {2005} 495 } 496 497 The algorithm:: 498 499 STEP 0 - Initialization 500 A = {0} 501 B = {1, 2, 3, ..., n} 502 O = {(i; j), ..., (k, l),...} where i < j, i <= k < l and 503 d_i * d_j >= d_k *d_l 504 wA = d_1 505 dB = sum(degrees) 506 507 STEP 1 - Link selection 508 (a) If |O| = 0 TERMINATE. Return graph A. 509 (b) Select element(s) (i, j) in O having the largest d_i * d_j , if for 510 any i or j either w_i = 0 or w_j = 0 delete (i, j) from O 511 (c) If there are no elements selected go to (a). 512 (d) Select the link (i, j) having the largest value w_i (where for each 513 (i, j) w_i is the smaller of w_i and w_j ), and proceed to STEP 2. 514 515 STEP 2 - Link addition 516 Type 1: i in A and j in B. 517 Add j to the graph A and remove it from the set B add a link 518 (i, j) to the graph A. Update variables: 519 wA = wA + d_j -2 and dB = dB - d_j 520 Decrement w_i and w_j with one. Delete (i, j) from O 521 Type 2: i and j in A. 522 Check Tree Condition: If dB = 2 * |B| - wA. 523 Delete (i, j) from O, continue to STEP 3 524 Check Disconnected Cluster Condition: If wA = 2. 525 Delete (i, j) from O, continue to STEP 3 526 Add the link (i, j) to the graph A 527 Decrement w_i and w_j with one, and wA = wA -2 528 STEP 3 529 Go to STEP 1 530 531 532 The article states that the algorithm will result in a maximal s-metric. 533 This implementation can not guarantee such maximality. I may have 534 misunderstood the algorithm, but I can not see how it can be anything 535 but a heuristic. Please contact me at if you can 536 provide python code that can guarantee maximality. 537 Several optimizations are included in this code and it may be hard to read. 538 Commented code to come. 539 """ 540 541 if not is_valid_degree_sequence(degree_seq): 542 raise networkx.NetworkXError, 'Invalid degree sequence' 543 degree_seq.sort() # make sure it's sorted 544 degree_seq.reverse() 545 degrees_left = degree_seq[:] 546 A_graph = networkx.Graph() 547 A_graph.add_node(0) 548 a_list = [False]*len(degree_seq) 549 b_set = set(range(1,len(degree_seq))) 550 a_open = set([0]) 551 O = [] 552 for j in b_set: 553 heapq.heappush(O, (-degree_seq[0]*degree_seq[j], (0,j))) 554 wa = degrees_left[0] #stubs in a_graph 555 db = sum(degree_seq) - degree_seq[0] #stubs in b-graph 556 a_list[0] = True #node 0 is now in a_Graph 557 bsize = len(degree_seq) -1 #size of b_graph 558 selected = [] 559 weight = 0 560 while O or selected: 561 if len(selected) <1 : 562 firstrun = True 563 while O: 564 (newweight, (i,j)) = heapq.heappop(O) 565 if degrees_left[i] < 1 or degrees_left[j] < 1 : 566 continue 567 if firstrun: 568 firstrun = False 569 weight = newweight 570 if not newweight == weight: 571 break 572 heapq.heappush(selected, [-degrees_left[i], \ 573 -degrees_left[j], (i,j)]) 574 if not weight == newweight: 575 heapq.heappush(O,(newweight, (i,j))) 576 weight *= -1 577 if len(selected) < 1: 578 break 579 580 [w1, w2, (i,j)] = heapq.heappop(selected) 581 if degrees_left[i] < 1 or degrees_left[j] < 1 : 582 continue 583 if a_list[i] and j in b_set: 584 #TYPE1 585 a_list[j] = True 586 b_set.remove(j) 587 A_graph.add_node(j) 588 A_graph.add_edge(i, j) 589 degrees_left[i] -= 1 590 degrees_left[j] -= 1 591 wa += degree_seq[j] - 2 592 db -= degree_seq[j] 593 bsize -= 1 594 newweight = weight 595 if not degrees_left[j] == 0: 596 a_open.add(j) 597 for k in b_set: 598 if A_graph.has_edge(j, k): continue 599 w = degree_seq[j]*degree_seq[k] 600 if w > newweight: 601 newweight = w 602 if weight == w and not newweight > weight: 603 heapq.heappush(selected, [-degrees_left[j], \ 604 -degrees_left[k], (j,k)]) 605 else: 606 heapq.heappush(O, (-w, (j,k))) 607 if not weight == newweight: 608 while selected: 609 [w1,w2,(i,j)] = heapq.heappop(selected) 610 if degrees_left[i]*degrees_left[j] > 0: 611 heapq.heappush(O, [-degree_seq[i]*degree_seq[j],(i,j)]) 612 if degrees_left[i] == 0: 613 a_open.discard(i) 614 615 else: 616 #TYPE2 617 if db == (2*bsize - wa): 618 #tree condition 619 #print "removing because tree condition " 620 continue 621 elif db < 2*bsize -wa: 622 raise networkx.NetworkXError, "THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN! - not graphable" 623 continue 624 elif wa == 2 and bsize > 0: 625 #print "removing because disconnected cluster" 626 #disconnected cluster condition 627 continue 628 elif wa == db - (bsize)*(bsize-1): 629 #print "MYOWN removing because disconnected cluster" 630 continue 631 A_graph.add_edge(i, j) 632 degrees_left[i] -= 1 633 degrees_left[j] -= 1 634 if degrees_left[i] < 1: 635 a_open.discard(i) 636 if degrees_left[j] < 1: 637 a_open.discard(j) 638 wa -= 2 639 if not degrees_left[i] < 0 and not degrees_left[j] < 0: 640 selected2 = (selected) 641 selected = [] 642 while selected2: 643 [w1,w1, (i,j)] = heapq.heappop(selected2) 644 if degrees_left[i]*degrees_left[j] > 0: 645 heapq.heappush(selected, [-degrees_left[i], \ 646 -degrees_left[j], (i,j)]) 647 return A_graph
649 -def connected_smax_graph(degree_seq):
650 """ 651 Not implemented. 652 """ 653 # incomplete implementation 654 655 if not is_valid_degree_sequence(degree_seq): 656 raise networkx.NetworkXError, 'Invalid degree sequence' 657 658 # build dictionary of node id and degree, sorted by degree, largest first 659 degree_seq.sort() 660 degree_seq.reverse() 661 ddict=dict(zip(xrange(len(degree_seq)),degree_seq)) 662 663 G=empty_graph(1) # start with single node 664 665 return False
667 -def s_metric(G):
668 """ 669 Return the "s-Metric" of graph G: 670 the sum of the product deg(u)*deg(v) for every edge u-v in G 671 672 Reference:: 673 674 @unpublished{li-2005, 675 author = {Lun Li and David Alderson and 676 John C. Doyle and Walter Willinger}, 677 title = {Towards a Theory of Scale-Free Graphs: 678 Definition, Properties, and Implications (Extended Version)}, 679 url = {}, 680 year = {2005} 681 } 682 683 """ 684 # this function doesn't belong in this module 685 return sum([* for (u,v) in G.edges_iter()])
687 -def _test_suite():
688 import doctest 689 suite = doctest.DocFileSuite('tests/generators/degree_seq.txt', 690 package='networkx') 691 return suite
692 693 694 if __name__ == "__main__": 695 import os 696 import sys 697 import unittest 698 if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 4): 699 print "Python version 2.4 or later required (%d.%d detected)." \ 700 % sys.version_info[:2] 701 sys.exit(-1) 702 # directory of networkx package (relative to this) 703 nxbase=sys.path[0]+os.sep+os.pardir 704 sys.path.insert(0,nxbase) # prepend to search path 705 unittest.TextTestRunner().run(_test_suite()) 706