Package networkx :: Module distance
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Module distance

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Shortest paths, diameter, radius, eccentricity, and related methods.

Author: Aric Hagberg ( Dan Schult(

Functions [hide private]
eccentricity(G, v=None, sp=None, with_labels=False)
Return the eccentricity of node v in G (or all nodes if v is None).
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diameter(G, e=None)
Return the diameter of the graph G.
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periphery(G, e=None)
Return the periphery of the graph G.
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radius(G, e=None)
Return the radius of the graph G.
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center(G, e=None)
Return the center of graph G.
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_test_suite() source code
Function Details [hide private]

eccentricity(G, v=None, sp=None, with_labels=False)

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Return the eccentricity of node v in G (or all nodes if v is None).

The eccentricity is the maximum of shortest paths to all other nodes.

The optional keyword sp must be a dict of dicts of shortest_path_length keyed by source and target. That is, sp[v][t] is the length from v to t.

If with_labels=True return dict of eccentricities keyed by vertex.

diameter(G, e=None)

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Return the diameter of the graph G.

The diameter is the maximum of all pairs shortest path.

periphery(G, e=None)

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Return the periphery of the graph G.

The periphery is the set of nodes with eccentricity equal to the diameter.

radius(G, e=None)

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Return the radius of the graph G.

The radius is the minimum of all pairs shortest path.

center(G, e=None)

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Return the center of graph G.

The center is the set of nodes with eccentricity equal to radius.