Package networkx :: Module centrality
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Module centrality

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Centrality measures.

Author: Aric Hagberg ( Pieter Swart ( Sasha Gutfraind (

Functions [hide private]
brandes_betweenness_centrality(G, normalized=True, weighted_edges=False)
Compute the betweenness centrality for nodes in G: the fraction of number of shortests paths that pass through each node.
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newman_betweenness_centrality(G, v=None, cutoff=None, normalized=True, weighted_edges=False)
"Load" centrality for nodes.
source code
_node_betweenness(G, source, cutoff=False, normalized=True, weighted_edges=False)
Node betweenness helper: see betweenness_centrality for what you probably want.
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betweenness_centrality(G, normalized=True, weighted_edges=False)
Compute the betweenness centrality for nodes in G: the fraction of number of shortests paths that pass through each node.
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load_centrality(G, v=None, cutoff=None, normalized=True, weighted_edges=False)
"Load" centrality for nodes.
source code
betweenness_centrality_source(G, normalized=True, weighted_edges=False, sources=None)
Enchanced version of the method in centrality module that allows specifying a list of sources (subgraph).
source code
edge_betweenness(G, normalized=True, weighted_edges=False, sources=None)
Edge betweenness centrality.
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_brandes_betweenness_helper(G, root, weighted_edges)
Helper for betweenness centrality and edge betweenness centrality.
source code
edge_load(G, nodes=False, cutoff=False)
Edge Betweenness
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_edge_betweenness(G, source, nodes, cutoff=False)
Edge betweenness helper.
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degree_centrality(G, v=None)
Degree centrality for nodes (fraction of nodes connected to).
source code
closeness_centrality(G, v=None, weighted_edges=False)
Closeness centrality for nodes (1/average distance to all nodes).
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_test_suite() source code
Function Details [hide private]

brandes_betweenness_centrality(G, normalized=True, weighted_edges=False)

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Compute the betweenness centrality for nodes in G: the fraction of number of shortests paths that pass through each node.

The keyword normalized (default=True) specifies whether the betweenness values are normalized by b=b/(n-1)(n-2) where n is the number of nodes in G.

The keyword weighted_edges (default=False) specifies whether to use edge weights (otherwise weights are all assumed equal).

The algorithm is from Ulrik Brandes, A Faster Algorithm for Betweenness Centrality. Journal of Mathematical Sociology 25(2):163-177, 2001.

newman_betweenness_centrality(G, v=None, cutoff=None, normalized=True, weighted_edges=False)

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"Load" centrality for nodes.

This actually computes 'load' and not betweenness. See

The fraction of number of shortests paths that go through each node counted according to the algorithm in

Scientific collaboration networks: II. Shortest paths, weighted networks, and centrality, M. E. J. Newman, Phys. Rev. E 64, 016132 (2001).

Returns a dictionary of betweenness values keyed by node. The betweenness is normalized to be between [0,1].

If normalized=False the resulting betweenness is not normalized.

If weighted_edges is True then use Dijkstra for finding shortest paths.

_node_betweenness(G, source, cutoff=False, normalized=True, weighted_edges=False)

source code 

Node betweenness helper: see betweenness_centrality for what you probably want.

This actually computes "load" and not betweenness. See

This calculates the load of each node for paths from a single source. (The fraction of number of shortests paths from source that go through each node.)

To get the load for a node you need to do all-pairs shortest paths.

If weighted_edges is True then use Dijkstra for finding shortest paths. In this case a cutoff is not implemented and so is ignored.

betweenness_centrality(G, normalized=True, weighted_edges=False)

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Compute the betweenness centrality for nodes in G: the fraction of number of shortests paths that pass through each node.

The keyword normalized (default=True) specifies whether the betweenness values are normalized by b=b/(n-1)(n-2) where n is the number of nodes in G.

The keyword weighted_edges (default=False) specifies whether to use edge weights (otherwise weights are all assumed equal).

The algorithm is from Ulrik Brandes, A Faster Algorithm for Betweenness Centrality. Journal of Mathematical Sociology 25(2):163-177, 2001.

load_centrality(G, v=None, cutoff=None, normalized=True, weighted_edges=False)

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"Load" centrality for nodes.

This actually computes 'load' and not betweenness. See

The fraction of number of shortests paths that go through each node counted according to the algorithm in

Scientific collaboration networks: II. Shortest paths, weighted networks, and centrality, M. E. J. Newman, Phys. Rev. E 64, 016132 (2001).

Returns a dictionary of betweenness values keyed by node. The betweenness is normalized to be between [0,1].

If normalized=False the resulting betweenness is not normalized.

If weighted_edges is True then use Dijkstra for finding shortest paths.

betweenness_centrality_source(G, normalized=True, weighted_edges=False, sources=None)

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Enchanced version of the method in centrality module that allows specifying a list of sources (subgraph).

weighted_edges:: consider edge weights by running Dijkstra's algorithm (no effect on unweighted graphs).

sources:: list of nodes to consider as subgraph

See Sec. 4 in Ulrik Brandes, A Faster Algorithm for Betweenness Centrality. Journal of Mathematical Sociology 25(2):163-177, 2001.

This algorithm does not count the endpoints, i.e. a path from s to t does not contribute to the betweenness of s and t.

edge_betweenness(G, normalized=True, weighted_edges=False, sources=None)

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Edge betweenness centrality.

weighted_edges:: consider edge weights by running Dijkstra's algorithm (no effect on unweighted graphs).

sources:: list of nodes to consider as subgraph

_brandes_betweenness_helper(G, root, weighted_edges)

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Helper for betweenness centrality and edge betweenness centrality.

Runs single-source shortest path from root node.

weighted_edges:: consider edge weights


S=[] list of nodes reached during traversal P={} predecessors, keyed by child node D={} distances sigma={} indexed by node, is the number of paths to root going through the node

edge_load(G, nodes=False, cutoff=False)

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Edge Betweenness


This module is for demonstration and testing purposes.

degree_centrality(G, v=None)

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Degree centrality for nodes (fraction of nodes connected to).

Returns a dictionary of degree centrality values keyed by node.

The degree centrality is normalized to the maximum possible degree in the graph G.

closeness_centrality(G, v=None, weighted_edges=False)

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Closeness centrality for nodes (1/average distance to all nodes).

Returns a dictionary of closeness centrality values keyed by node. The closeness centrality is normalized to be between 0 and 1.