Directed Acyclic Graphs

Algorithms for directed acyclic graphs (DAGs).

Note that most of these functions are only guaranteed to work for DAGs. In general, these functions do not check for acyclic-ness, so it is up to the user to check for that.

ancestors(G, source)

Returns all nodes having a path to source in G.

descendants(G, source)

Returns all nodes reachable from source in G.


Returns a generator of nodes in topologically sorted order.


Returns a generator of _all_ topological sorts of the directed graph G.

lexicographical_topological_sort(G[, key])

Returns a generator of nodes in lexicographically topologically sorted order.


Returns True if the graph G is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) or False if not.


Returns True if G is aperiodic.

transitive_closure(G[, reflexive])

Returns transitive closure of a directed graph

transitive_closure_dag(G[, topo_order])

Returns the transitive closure of a directed acyclic graph.


Returns transitive reduction of a directed graph

antichains(G[, topo_order])

Generates antichains from a directed acyclic graph (DAG).

dag_longest_path(G[, weight, …])

Returns the longest path in a directed acyclic graph (DAG).

dag_longest_path_length(G[, weight, …])

Returns the longest path length in a DAG


Returns a branching representing all (overlapping) paths from root nodes to leaf nodes in the given directed acyclic graph.