(G, attribute, nodes=None, normalized=False)[source]¶ Returns dictionary representation of mixing matrix for attribute.
Parameters: - G (graph) – NetworkX graph object.
- attribute (string) – Node attribute key.
- nodes (list or iterable (optional)) – Unse nodes in container to build the dict. The default is all nodes.
- normalized (bool (default=False)) – Return counts if False or probabilities if True.
>>> G=nx.Graph() >>> G.add_nodes_from([0,1],color='red') >>> G.add_nodes_from([2,3],color='blue') >>> G.add_edge(1,3) >>> d=nx.attribute_mixing_dict(G,'color') >>> print(d['red']['blue']) 1 >>> print(d['blue']['red']) # d symmetric for undirected graphs 1
Returns: d – Counts or joint probability of occurrence of attribute pairs. Return type: dictionary