
This documents an unmaintained version of NetworkX. Please upgrade to a maintained version and see the current NetworkX documentation.


Functions for finding and evaluating cuts in a graph.

boundary_expansion(G, S) Returns the boundary expansion of the set S.
conductance(G, S[, T, weight]) Returns the conductance of two sets of nodes.
cut_size(G, S[, T, weight]) Returns the size of the cut between two sets of nodes.
edge_expansion(G, S[, T, weight]) Returns the edge expansion between two node sets.
mixing_expansion(G, S[, T, weight]) Returns the mixing expansion between two node sets.
node_expansion(G, S) Returns the node expansion of the set S.
normalized_cut_size(G, S[, T, weight]) Returns the normalized size of the cut between two sets of nodes.
volume(G, S[, weight]) Returns the volume of a set of nodes.