
This documents an unmaintained version of NetworkX. Please upgrade to a maintained version and see the current NetworkX documentation.




Read and write graphs in graph6 format.


“graph6 and sparse6 are formats for storing undirected graphs in a compact manner, using only printable ASCII characters. Files in these formats have text type and contain one line per graph.”

See http://cs.anu.edu.au/~bdm/data/formats.txt for details.

parse_graph6(string) Read a simple undirected graph in graph6 format from string.
read_graph6(path) Read simple undirected graphs in graph6 format from path.
generate_graph6(G[, nodes, header]) Generate graph6 format string from a simple undirected graph.
write_graph6(G, path[, nodes, header]) Write a simple undirected graph to path in graph6 format.



Read and write graphs in sparse6 format.


“graph6 and sparse6 are formats for storing undirected graphs in a compact manner, using only printable ASCII characters. Files in these formats have text type and contain one line per graph.”

See http://cs.anu.edu.au/~bdm/data/formats.txt for details.

parse_sparse6(string) Read an undirected graph in sparse6 format from string.
read_sparse6(path) Read an undirected graph in sparse6 format from path.
generate_sparse6(G[, nodes, header]) Generate sparse6 format string from an undirected graph.
write_sparse6(G, path[, nodes, header]) Write graph G to given path in sparse6 format.