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random_geometric_graph(n, radius, dim=2, pos=None)[source]

Return the random geometric graph in the unit cube.

The random geometric graph model places n nodes uniformly at random in the unit cube Two nodes u,v are connected with an edge if d(u,v)<=r where d is the Euclidean distance and r is a radius threshold.


n : int

Number of nodes

radius: float

Distance threshold value

dim : int, optional

Dimension of graph

pos : dict, optional

A dictionary keyed by node with node positions as values.




This uses an n2 algorithm to build the graph. A faster algorithm is possible using k-d trees.

The pos keyword can be used to specify node positions so you can create an arbitrary distribution and domain for positions. If you need a distance function other than Euclidean you’ll have to hack the algorithm.

E.g to use a 2d Gaussian distribution of node positions with mean (0,0) and std. dev. 2

>>> import random
>>> n=20
>>> p=dict((i,(random.gauss(0,2),random.gauss(0,2))) for i in range(n))
>>> G = nx.random_geometric_graph(n,0.2,pos=p)


[R298]Penrose, Mathew, Random Geometric Graphs, Oxford Studies in Probability, 5, 2003.


>>> G = nx.random_geometric_graph(20,0.1)