
Source code for networkx.algorithms.traversal.depth_first_search

Depth-first search

Basic algorithms for depth-first searching.

Based on
by D. Eppstein, July 2004.
__author__ = """\n""".join(['Aric Hagberg <>'])

__all__ = ['dfs_edges', 'dfs_tree',
           'dfs_predecessors', 'dfs_successors',

import networkx as nx
from collections import defaultdict

[docs]def dfs_edges(G,source=None): """Produce edges in a depth-first-search starting at source.""" # Based on # by D. Eppstein, July 2004. if source is None: # produce edges for all components nodes=G else: # produce edges for components with source nodes=[source] visited=set() for start in nodes: if start in visited: continue visited.add(start) stack = [(start,iter(G[start]))] while stack: parent,children = stack[-1] try: child = next(children) if child not in visited: yield parent,child visited.add(child) stack.append((child,iter(G[child]))) except StopIteration: stack.pop()
[docs]def dfs_tree(G, source): """Return directed tree of depth-first-search from source.""" T = nx.DiGraph() if source is None: T.add_nodes_from(G) else: T.add_node(source) T.add_edges_from(dfs_edges(G,source)) return T
[docs]def dfs_predecessors(G, source=None): """Return dictionary of predecessors in depth-first-search from source.""" return dict((t,s) for s,t in dfs_edges(G,source=source))
[docs]def dfs_successors(G, source=None): """Return dictionary of successors in depth-first-search from source.""" d=defaultdict(list) for s,t in dfs_edges(G,source=source): d[s].append(t) return dict(d)
[docs]def dfs_postorder_nodes(G,source=None): """Produce nodes in a depth-first-search post-ordering starting from source. """ post=(v for u,v,d in nx.dfs_labeled_edges(G,source=source) if d['dir']=='reverse') # chain source to end of pre-ordering # return chain(post,[source]) return post
[docs]def dfs_preorder_nodes(G,source=None): """Produce nodes in a depth-first-search pre-ordering starting at source.""" pre=(v for u,v,d in nx.dfs_labeled_edges(G,source=source) if d['dir']=='forward') # chain source to beginning of pre-ordering # return chain([source],pre) return pre
[docs]def dfs_labeled_edges(G,source=None): """Produce edges in a depth-first-search starting at source and labeled by direction type (forward, reverse, nontree). """ # Based on # by D. Eppstein, July 2004. if source is None: # produce edges for all components nodes=G else: # produce edges for components with source nodes=[source] visited=set() for start in nodes: if start in visited: continue yield start,start,{'dir':'forward'} visited.add(start) stack = [(start,iter(G[start]))] while stack: parent,children = stack[-1] try: child = next(children) if child in visited: yield parent,child,{'dir':'nontree'} else: yield parent,child,{'dir':'forward'} visited.add(child) stack.append((child,iter(G[child]))) except StopIteration: stack.pop() if stack: yield stack[-1][0],parent,{'dir':'reverse'} yield start,start,{'dir':'reverse'}