Return a graph from numpy matrix.
The numpy matrix is interpreted as an adjacency matrix for the graph.
Parameters : | A : numpy matrix
create_using : NetworkX graph
See also
If the numpy matrix has a single data type for each matrix entry it will be converted to an appropriate Python data type.
If the numpy matrix has a user-specified compound data type the names of the data fields will be used as attribute keys in the resulting NetworkX graph.
Simple integer weights on edges:
>>> import numpy
>>> A=numpy.matrix([[1,1],[2,1]])
>>> G=nx.from_numpy_matrix(A)
User defined compound data type on edges:
>>> import numpy
>>> dt=[('weight',float),('cost',int)]
>>> A=numpy.matrix([[(1.0,2)]],dtype=dt)
>>> G=nx.from_numpy_matrix(A)
>>> G.edges(data=True)
[(0, 0, {'cost': 2, 'weight': 1.0})]