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union(G, H, create_using=None, rename=False, name=None)[source]

Return the union of graphs G and H.

Graphs G and H must be disjoint, otherwise an exception is raised.

Parameters :

G,H : graph

A NetworkX graph

create_using : NetworkX graph

Use specified graph for result. Otherwise a new graph is created with the same type as G.

rename : bool (default=False)

Node names of G and H can be changed be specifying the tuple rename=(‘G-‘,’H-‘) (for example). Node u in G is then renamed “G-u” and v in H is renamed “H-v”.

name : string

Specify the name for the union graph

See also



To force a disjoint union with node relabeling, use disjoint_union(G,H) or convert_node_labels_to integers().

Graph, edge, and node attributes are propagated from G and H to the union graph. If a graph attribute is present in both G and H the value from G is used.