Draw networks with matplotlib (pylab).
matplotlib: http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/
pygraphviz: http://networkx.lanl.gov/pygraphviz/
draw(G[, pos, ax, hold]) | Draw the graph G with Matplotlib (pylab). |
draw_networkx(G[, pos, with_labels]) | Draw the graph G using Matplotlib. |
draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos[, nodelist, ...]) | Draw the nodes of the graph G. |
draw_networkx_edges(G, pos[, edgelist, ...]) | Draw the edges of the graph G. |
draw_networkx_labels(G, pos[, labels, ...]) | Draw node labels on the graph G. |
draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos[, ...]) | Draw edge labels. |
draw_circular(G, **kwargs) | Draw the graph G with a circular layout. |
draw_random(G, **kwargs) | Draw the graph G with a random layout. |
draw_spectral(G, **kwargs) | Draw the graph G with a spectral layout. |
draw_spring(G, **kwargs) | Draw the graph G with a spring layout. |
draw_shell(G, **kwargs) | Draw networkx graph with shell layout. |
draw_graphviz(G[, prog]) | Draw networkx graph with graphviz layout. |
Interface to pygraphviz AGraph class.
>>> G=nx.complete_graph(5)
>>> A=nx.to_agraph(G)
>>> H=nx.from_agraph(A)
Pygraphviz: http://networkx.lanl.gov/pygraphviz
from_agraph(A[, create_using]) | Return a NetworkX Graph or DiGraph from a PyGraphviz graph. |
to_agraph(N) | Return a pygraphviz graph from a NetworkX graph N. |
write_dot(G, path) | Write NetworkX graph G to Graphviz dot format on path. |
read_dot(path) | Return a NetworkX graph from a dot file on path. |
graphviz_layout(G[, prog, root, args]) | Create node positions for G using Graphviz. |
pygraphviz_layout(G[, prog, root, args]) | Create node positions for G using Graphviz. |
Import and export NetworkX graphs in Graphviz dot format using pydot.
Either this module or nx_pygraphviz can be used to interface with graphviz.
Pydot: http://code.google.com/p/pydot/ Graphviz: http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/ DOT Language: http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/lang.html
from_pydot(P) | Return a NetworkX graph from a Pydot graph. |
to_pydot(N[, strict]) | Return a pydot graph from a NetworkX graph N. |
write_dot(G, path) | Write NetworkX graph G to Graphviz dot format on path. |
read_dot(path) | Return a NetworkX MultiGraph or MultiDiGraph from a dot file on path. |
graphviz_layout(G[, prog, root]) | Create node positions using Pydot and Graphviz. |
pydot_layout(G[, prog, root]) | Create node positions using Pydot and Graphviz. |
Node positioning algorithms for graph drawing.
circular_layout(G[, dim, scale]) | Position nodes on a circle. |
random_layout(G[, dim]) | Position nodes uniformly at random in the unit square. |
shell_layout(G[, nlist, dim, scale]) | Position nodes in concentric circles. |
spring_layout(G[, dim, pos, fixed, ...]) | Position nodes using Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm. |
spectral_layout(G[, dim, weight, scale]) | Position nodes using the eigenvectors of the graph Laplacian. |