
Source code for networkx.readwrite.sparsegraph6

SparseGraph 6
Read graphs in graph6 and sparse6 format.


"graph6 and sparse6 are formats for storing undirected graphs in a
compact manner, using only printable ASCII characters. Files in these
formats have text type and contain one line per graph."

See for details.
# Original author: D. Eppstein, UC Irvine, August 12, 2003.
# The original code at is public domain.
__author__ = """Aric Hagberg ("""
#    Copyright (C) 2004-2010 by 
#    Aric Hagberg <>
#    Dan Schult <>
#    Pieter Swart <>
#    All rights reserved.
#    BSD license.

__all__ = ['read_graph6', 'parse_graph6', 'read_graph6_list',
           'read_sparse6', 'parse_sparse6', 'read_sparse6_list']

import networkx as nx
from networkx.exception import NetworkXError
from networkx.utils import open_file
# graph6

[docs]def read_graph6(path): """Read simple undirected graphs in graph6 format from path. Returns a single Graph. """ return read_graph6_list(path)[0]
[docs]def parse_graph6(str): """Read a simple undirected graph in graph6 format from string. Returns a single Graph. """ def bits(): """Return sequence of individual bits from 6-bit-per-value list of data values.""" for d in data: for i in [5,4,3,2,1,0]: yield (d>>i)&1 if str.startswith('>>graph6<<'): str = str[10:] data = graph6data(str) n, data = graph6n(data) nd = (n*(n-1)//2 + 5) // 6 if len(data) != nd: raise NetworkXError(\ 'Expected %d bits but got %d in graph6' % (n*(n-1)//2, len(data)*6)) G=nx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from(range(n)) for (i,j),b in zip([(i,j) for j in range(1,n) for i in range(j)], bits()): if b: G.add_edge(i,j) return G
[docs]def read_graph6_list(path): """Read simple undirected graphs in graph6 format from path. Returns a list of Graphs, one for each line in file. """ glist=[] for line in path: line = line.strip() if not len(line): continue glist.append(parse_graph6(line)) return glist # sparse6
[docs]def read_sparse6(path): """Read simple undirected graphs in sparse6 format from path. Returns a single MultiGraph.""" return read_sparse6_list(path)[0]
[docs]def read_sparse6_list(path): """Read undirected graphs in sparse6 format from path. Returns a list of MultiGraphs, one for each line in file.""" glist=[] for line in path: line = line.strip() if not len(line): continue glist.append(parse_sparse6(line)) return glist
[docs]def parse_sparse6(string): """Read undirected graph in sparse6 format from string. Returns a MultiGraph. """ if string.startswith('>>sparse6<<'): string = str[10:] if not string.startswith(':'): raise NetworkXError('Expected colon in sparse6') n, data = graph6n(graph6data(string[1:])) k = 1 while 1<<k < n: k += 1 def parseData(): """Return stream of pairs b[i], x[i] for sparse6 format.""" chunks = iter(data) d = None # partial data word dLen = 0 # how many unparsed bits are left in d while 1: if dLen < 1: d = next(chunks) dLen = 6 dLen -= 1 b = (d>>dLen) & 1 # grab top remaining bit x = d & ((1<<dLen)-1) # partially built up value of x xLen = dLen # how many bits included so far in x while xLen < k: # now grab full chunks until we have enough d = next(chunks) dLen = 6 x = (x<<6) + d xLen += 6 x = (x >> (xLen - k)) # shift back the extra bits dLen = xLen - k yield b,x v = 0 G=nx.MultiGraph() G.add_nodes_from(range(n)) for b,x in parseData(): if b: v += 1 if x >= n: break # padding with ones can cause overlarge number here elif x > v: v = x else: G.add_edge(x,v) return G # helper functions
def graph6data(str): """Convert graph6 character sequence to 6-bit integers.""" v = [ord(c)-63 for c in str] if min(v) < 0 or max(v) > 63: return None return v def graph6n(data): """Read initial one or four-unit value from graph6 sequence. Return value, rest of seq.""" if data[0] <= 62: return data[0], data[1:] return (data[1]<<12) + (data[2]<<6) + data[3], data[4:]