
Source code for networkx.generators.bipartite

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Generators and functions for bipartite graphs.

#    Copyright (C) 2006-2011 by 
#    Aric Hagberg <>
#    Dan Schult <>
#    Pieter Swart <>
#    All rights reserved.
#    BSD license.
import math
import random
import networkx 
from functools import reduce
import networkx as nx
__author__ = """\n""".join(['Aric Hagberg (',
                            'Pieter Swart (',
                            'Dan Schult('])

[docs]def bipartite_configuration_model(aseq, bseq, create_using=None, seed=None): """Return a random bipartite graph from two given degree sequences. Parameters ---------- aseq : list or iterator Degree sequence for node set A. bseq : list or iterator Degree sequence for node set B. create_using : NetworkX graph instance, optional Return graph of this type. seed : integer, optional Seed for random number generator. Nodes from the set A are connected to nodes in the set B by choosing randomly from the possible free stubs, one in A and one in B. Notes ----- The sum of the two sequences must be equal: sum(aseq)=sum(bseq) If no graph type is specified use MultiGraph with parallel edges. If you want a graph with no parallel edges use create_using=Graph() but then the resulting degree sequences might not be exact. The nodes are assigned the attribute 'bipartite' with the value 0 or 1 to indicate which bipartite set the node belongs to. """ if create_using is None: create_using=networkx.MultiGraph() elif create_using.is_directed(): raise networkx.NetworkXError(\ "Directed Graph not supported") G=networkx.empty_graph(0,create_using) if not seed is None: random.seed(seed) # length and sum of each sequence lena=len(aseq) lenb=len(bseq) suma=sum(aseq) sumb=sum(bseq) if not suma==sumb: raise networkx.NetworkXError(\ 'invalid degree sequences, sum(aseq)!=sum(bseq),%s,%s'\ %(suma,sumb)) G=_add_nodes_with_bipartite_label(G,lena,lenb) if max(aseq)==0: return G # done if no edges # build lists of degree-repeated vertex numbers stubs=[] stubs.extend([[v]*aseq[v] for v in range(0,lena)]) astubs=[] astubs=[x for subseq in stubs for x in subseq] stubs=[] stubs.extend([[v]*bseq[v-lena] for v in range(lena,lena+lenb)]) bstubs=[] bstubs=[x for subseq in stubs for x in subseq] # shuffle lists random.shuffle(astubs) random.shuffle(bstubs) G.add_edges_from([[astubs[i],bstubs[i]] for i in range(suma)])"bipartite_configuration_model" return G
[docs]def bipartite_havel_hakimi_graph(aseq, bseq, create_using=None): """Return a bipartite graph from two given degree sequences using a Havel-Hakimi style construction. Nodes from the set A are connected to nodes in the set B by connecting the highest degree nodes in set A to the highest degree nodes in set B until all stubs are connected. Parameters ---------- aseq : list or iterator Degree sequence for node set A. bseq : list or iterator Degree sequence for node set B. create_using : NetworkX graph instance, optional Return graph of this type. Notes ----- The sum of the two sequences must be equal: sum(aseq)=sum(bseq) If no graph type is specified use MultiGraph with parallel edges. If you want a graph with no parallel edges use create_using=Graph() but then the resulting degree sequences might not be exact. The nodes are assigned the attribute 'bipartite' with the value 0 or 1 to indicate which bipartite set the node belongs to. """ if create_using is None: create_using=networkx.MultiGraph() elif create_using.is_directed(): raise networkx.NetworkXError(\ "Directed Graph not supported") G=networkx.empty_graph(0,create_using) # length of the each sequence naseq=len(aseq) nbseq=len(bseq) suma=sum(aseq) sumb=sum(bseq) if not suma==sumb: raise networkx.NetworkXError(\ 'invalid degree sequences, sum(aseq)!=sum(bseq),%s,%s'\ %(suma,sumb)) G=_add_nodes_with_bipartite_label(G,naseq,nbseq) if max(aseq)==0: return G # done if no edges # build list of degree-repeated vertex numbers astubs=[[aseq[v],v] for v in range(0,naseq)] bstubs=[[bseq[v-naseq],v] for v in range(naseq,naseq+nbseq)] astubs.sort() while astubs: (degree,u)=astubs.pop() # take of largest degree node in the a set if degree==0: break # done, all are zero # connect the source to largest degree nodes in the b set bstubs.sort() for target in bstubs[-degree:]: v=target[1] G.add_edge(u,v) target[0] -= 1 # note this updates bstubs too. if target[0]==0: bstubs.remove(target)"bipartite_havel_hakimi_graph" return G
[docs]def bipartite_reverse_havel_hakimi_graph(aseq, bseq, create_using=None): """Return a bipartite graph from two given degree sequences using a Havel-Hakimi style construction. Nodes from set A are connected to nodes in the set B by connecting the highest degree nodes in set A to the lowest degree nodes in set B until all stubs are connected. Parameters ---------- aseq : list or iterator Degree sequence for node set A. bseq : list or iterator Degree sequence for node set B. create_using : NetworkX graph instance, optional Return graph of this type. Notes ----- The sum of the two sequences must be equal: sum(aseq)=sum(bseq) If no graph type is specified use MultiGraph with parallel edges. If you want a graph with no parallel edges use create_using=Graph() but then the resulting degree sequences might not be exact. The nodes are assigned the attribute 'bipartite' with the value 0 or 1 to indicate which bipartite set the node belongs to. """ if create_using is None: create_using=networkx.MultiGraph() elif create_using.is_directed(): raise networkx.NetworkXError(\ "Directed Graph not supported") G=networkx.empty_graph(0,create_using) # length of the each sequence lena=len(aseq) lenb=len(bseq) suma=sum(aseq) sumb=sum(bseq) if not suma==sumb: raise networkx.NetworkXError(\ 'invalid degree sequences, sum(aseq)!=sum(bseq),%s,%s'\ %(suma,sumb)) G=_add_nodes_with_bipartite_label(G,lena,lenb) if max(aseq)==0: return G # done if no edges # build list of degree-repeated vertex numbers astubs=[[aseq[v],v] for v in range(0,lena)] bstubs=[[bseq[v-lena],v] for v in range(lena,lena+lenb)] astubs.sort() bstubs.sort() while astubs: (degree,u)=astubs.pop() # take of largest degree node in the a set if degree==0: break # done, all are zero # connect the source to the smallest degree nodes in the b set for target in bstubs[0:degree]: v=target[1] G.add_edge(u,v) target[0] -= 1 # note this updates bstubs too. if target[0]==0: bstubs.remove(target)"bipartite_reverse_havel_hakimi_graph" return G
[docs]def bipartite_alternating_havel_hakimi_graph(aseq, bseq,create_using=None): """Return a bipartite graph from two given degree sequences using an alternating Havel-Hakimi style construction. Nodes from the set A are connected to nodes in the set B by connecting the highest degree nodes in set A to alternatively the highest and the lowest degree nodes in set B until all stubs are connected. Parameters ---------- aseq : list or iterator Degree sequence for node set A. bseq : list or iterator Degree sequence for node set B. create_using : NetworkX graph instance, optional Return graph of this type. Notes ----- The sum of the two sequences must be equal: sum(aseq)=sum(bseq) If no graph type is specified use MultiGraph with parallel edges. If you want a graph with no parallel edges use create_using=Graph() but then the resulting degree sequences might not be exact. The nodes are assigned the attribute 'bipartite' with the value 0 or 1 to indicate which bipartite set the node belongs to. """ if create_using is None: create_using=networkx.MultiGraph() elif create_using.is_directed(): raise networkx.NetworkXError(\ "Directed Graph not supported") G=networkx.empty_graph(0,create_using) # length of the each sequence naseq=len(aseq) nbseq=len(bseq) suma=sum(aseq) sumb=sum(bseq) if not suma==sumb: raise networkx.NetworkXError(\ 'invalid degree sequences, sum(aseq)!=sum(bseq),%s,%s'\ %(suma,sumb)) G=_add_nodes_with_bipartite_label(G,naseq,nbseq) if max(aseq)==0: return G # done if no edges # build list of degree-repeated vertex numbers astubs=[[aseq[v],v] for v in range(0,naseq)] bstubs=[[bseq[v-naseq],v] for v in range(naseq,naseq+nbseq)] while astubs: astubs.sort() (degree,u)=astubs.pop() # take of largest degree node in the a set if degree==0: break # done, all are zero bstubs.sort() small=bstubs[0:degree // 2] # add these low degree targets large=bstubs[(-degree+degree // 2):] # and these high degree targets stubs=[x for z in zip(large,small) for x in z] # combine, sorry if len(stubs)<len(small)+len(large): # check for zip truncation stubs.append(large.pop()) for target in stubs: v=target[1] G.add_edge(u,v) target[0] -= 1 # note this updates bstubs too. if target[0]==0: bstubs.remove(target)"bipartite_alternating_havel_hakimi_graph" return G
[docs]def bipartite_preferential_attachment_graph(aseq,p,create_using=None,seed=None): """Create a bipartite graph with a preferential attachment model from a given single degree sequence. Parameters ---------- aseq : list or iterator Degree sequence for node set A. p : float Probability that a new bottom node is added. create_using : NetworkX graph instance, optional Return graph of this type. seed : integer, optional Seed for random number generator. References ---------- .. [1] Jean-Loup Guillaume and Matthieu Latapy, Bipartite structure of all complex networks, Inf. Process. Lett. 90, 2004, pg. 215-221 """ if create_using is None: create_using=networkx.MultiGraph() elif create_using.is_directed(): raise networkx.NetworkXError(\ "Directed Graph not supported") if p > 1: raise networkx.NetworkXError("probability %s > 1"%(p)) G=networkx.empty_graph(0,create_using) if not seed is None: random.seed(seed) naseq=len(aseq) G=_add_nodes_with_bipartite_label(G,naseq,0) vv=[ [v]*aseq[v] for v in range(0,naseq)] while vv: while vv[0]: source=vv[0][0] vv[0].remove(source) if random.random() < p or G.number_of_nodes() == naseq: target=G.number_of_nodes() G.add_node(target,bipartite=1) G.add_edge(source,target) else: bb=[ [b]* for b in range(naseq,G.number_of_nodes())] # flatten the list of lists into a list. bbstubs=reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, bb) # choose preferentially a bottom node. target=random.choice(bbstubs) G.add_node(target,bipartite=1) G.add_edge(source,target) vv.remove(vv[0])"bipartite_preferential_attachment_model" return G
[docs]def bipartite_random_regular_graph(d, n, create_using=None,seed=None): """Experimental: Generate a random regular bipartite graph. Parameters ---------- d : integer Degree of graph. n : integer Number of nodes in graph. create_using : NetworkX graph instance, optional Return graph of this type. seed : integer, optional Seed for random number generator. Notes ------ This is an untested, unproved algorithm. Nodes are numbered 0...n-1. Restrictions on n and d: - n must be even - n>=2*d Algorithm inspired by random_regular_graph() """ # This algorithm could be improved - see random_regular_graph() # helper subroutine to check for suitable edges def suitable(leftstubs,rightstubs): for s in leftstubs: for t in rightstubs: if not t in seen_edges[s]: return True # else no suitable possible edges return False if not n*d%2==0: print("n*d must be even") return False if not n%2==0: print("n must be even") return False if not n>=2*d: print("n must be >= 2*d") return False if create_using is None: create_using=networkx.Graph() elif create_using.is_directed(): raise networkx.NetworkXError(\ "Directed Graph not supported") if not seed is None: random.seed(seed) G=networkx.empty_graph(0,create_using) G=_add_nodes_with_bipartite_label(G,n/2,n/2) nodes=range(0,n) seen_edges={} [seen_edges.setdefault(v,{}) for v in nodes] vv=[ [v]*d for v in nodes ] # List of degree-repeated vertex numbers stubs=reduce(lambda x,y: x+y ,vv) # flatten the list of lists to a list leftstubs=stubs[:(n*d // 2)] rightstubs=stubs[n*d // 2:] while leftstubs: source=random.choice(leftstubs) target=random.choice(rightstubs) if source!=target and not target in seen_edges[source]: leftstubs.remove(source) rightstubs.remove(target) seen_edges[source][target]=1 seen_edges[target][source]=1 G.add_edge(source,target) else: # further check to see if suitable if suitable(leftstubs,rightstubs)==False: return False return G
[docs]def bipartite_random_graph(n, m, p, seed=None, directed=False): """Return a bipartite random graph. This is a bipartite version of the binomial (Erdős-Rényi) graph. Parameters ---------- n : int The number of nodes in the first bipartite set. m : int The number of nodes in the second bipartite set. p : float Probability for edge creation. seed : int, optional Seed for random number generator (default=None). directed : bool, optional (default=False) If True return a directed graph Notes ----- The bipartite random graph algorithm chooses each of the n*m (undirected) or 2*nm (directed) possible edges with probability p. This algorithm is O(n+m) where m is the expected number of edges. The nodes are assigned the attribute 'bipartite' with the value 0 or 1 to indicate which bipartite set the node belongs to. See Also -------- gnp_random_graph, bipartite_configuration_model References ---------- .. [1] Vladimir Batagelj and Ulrik Brandes, "Efficient generation of large random networks", Phys. Rev. E, 71, 036113, 2005. """ G=nx.Graph() G=_add_nodes_with_bipartite_label(G,n,m) if directed: G=nx.DiGraph(G)"fast_gnp_random_graph(%s,%s,%s)"%(n,m,p) if not seed is None: random.seed(seed) if p <= 0: return G if p >= 1: return nx.complete_bipartite_graph(n,m) lp = math.log(1.0 - p) v = 0 w = -1 while v < n: lr = math.log(1.0 - random.random()) w = w + 1 + int(lr/lp) while w >= m and v < n: w = w - m v = v + 1 if v < n: G.add_edge(v, n+w) if directed: # use the same algorithm to # add edges from the "m" to "n" set v = 0 w = -1 while v < n: lr = math.log(1.0 - random.random()) w = w + 1 + int(lr/lp) while w>= m and v < n: w = w - m v = v + 1 if v < n: G.add_edge(n+w, v) return G
[docs]def bipartite_gnmk_random_graph(n, m, k, seed=None, directed=False): """Return a random bipartite graph G_{n,m,k}. Produces a bipartite graph chosen randomly out of the set of all graphs with n top nodes, m bottom nodes, and k edges. Parameters ---------- n : int The number of nodes in the first bipartite set. m : int The number of nodes in the second bipartite set. k : int The number of edges seed : int, optional Seed for random number generator (default=None). directed : bool, optional (default=False) If True return a directed graph Examples -------- G = nx.bipartite_gnmk_random_graph(10,20,50) See Also -------- gnm_random_graph Notes ----- If k > m * n then a complete bipartite graph is returned. This graph is a bipartite version of the `G_{nm}` random graph model. """ G = networkx.Graph() G=_add_nodes_with_bipartite_label(G,n,m) if directed: G=nx.DiGraph(G)"bipartite_gnm_random_graph(%s,%s,%s)"%(n,m,k) if seed is not None: random.seed(seed) if n == 1 or m == 1: return G max_edges = n*m # max_edges for bipartite networks if k >= max_edges: # Maybe we should raise an exception here return networkx.complete_bipartite_graph(n, m, create_using=G) top = [n for n,d in G.nodes(data=True) if d['bipartite']==0] bottom = list(set(G) - set(top)) edge_count = 0 while edge_count < k: # generate random edge,u,v u = random.choice(top) v = random.choice(bottom) if v in G[u]: continue else: G.add_edge(u,v) edge_count += 1 return G
def _add_nodes_with_bipartite_label(G, lena, lenb): G.add_nodes_from(range(0,lena+lenb)) b=dict(zip(range(0,lena),[0]*lena)) b.update(dict(zip(range(lena,lena+lenb),[1]*lenb))) nx.set_node_attributes(G,'bipartite',b) return G