
Source code for networkx.algorithms.clique


Find and manipulate cliques of graphs.

Note that finding the largest clique of a graph has been
shown to be an NP-complete problem; the algorithms here
could take a long time to run.

__author__ = """Dan Schult ("""
#    Copyright (C) 2004-2008 by 
#    Aric Hagberg <>
#    Dan Schult <>
#    Pieter Swart <>
#    All rights reserved.
#    BSD license.

__all__ = ['find_cliques', 'find_cliques_recursive', 'make_max_clique_graph',
           'make_clique_bipartite' ,'graph_clique_number',
           'graph_number_of_cliques', 'node_clique_number',
           'number_of_cliques', 'cliques_containing_node',
           'project_down', 'project_up']

import networkx

[docs]def find_cliques(G): """ Search for all maximal cliques in a graph. This algorithm searches for maximal cliques in a graph. maximal cliques are the largest complete subgraph containing a given point. The largest maximal clique is sometimes called the maximum clique. This implementation is a generator of lists each of which contains the members of a maximal clique. To obtain a list of cliques, use list(find_cliques(G)). The method essentially unrolls the recursion used in the references to avoid issues of recursion stack depth. See Also -------- find_cliques_recursive : A recursive version of the same algorithm Notes ----- Based on the algorithm published by Bron & Kerbosch (1973) [1]_ as adapated by Tomita, Tanaka and Takahashi (2006) [2]_ and discussed in Cazals and Karande (2008) [3]_. This algorithm ignores self-loops and parallel edges as clique is not conventionally defined with such edges. There are often many cliques in graphs. This algorithm can run out of memory for large graphs. References ---------- .. [1] Bron, C. and Kerbosch, J. 1973. Algorithm 457: finding all cliques of an undirected graph. Commun. ACM 16, 9 (Sep. 1973), 575-577. .. [2] Etsuji Tomita, Akira Tanaka, Haruhisa Takahashi, The worst-case time complexity for generating all maximal cliques and computational experiments, Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 363, Issue 1, Computing and Combinatorics, 10th Annual International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics (COCOON 2004), 25 October 2006, Pages 28-42 .. [3] F. Cazals, C. Karande, A note on the problem of reporting maximal cliques, Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 407, Issues 1-3, 6 November 2008, Pages 564-568, """ # Cache nbrs and find first pivot (highest degree) maxconn=-1 nnbrs={} pivotnbrs=set() # handle empty graph for n,nbrs in G.adjacency_iter(): nbrs=set(nbrs) nbrs.discard(n) conn = len(nbrs) if conn > maxconn: nnbrs[n] = pivotnbrs = nbrs maxconn = conn else: nnbrs[n] = nbrs # Initial setup cand=set(nnbrs) smallcand = cand - pivotnbrs done=set() stack=[] clique_so_far=[] # Start main loop while smallcand or stack: try: # Any nodes left to check? n=smallcand.pop() except KeyError: # back out clique_so_far cand,done,smallcand = stack.pop() clique_so_far.pop() continue # Add next node to clique clique_so_far.append(n) cand.remove(n) done.add(n) nn=nnbrs[n] new_cand = cand & nn new_done = done & nn # check if we have more to search if not new_cand: if not new_done: # Found a clique! yield clique_so_far[:] clique_so_far.pop() continue # Shortcut--only one node left! if not new_done and len(new_cand)==1: yield clique_so_far + list(new_cand) clique_so_far.pop() continue # find pivot node (max connected in cand) # look in done nodes first numb_cand=len(new_cand) maxconndone=-1 for n in new_done: cn = new_cand & nnbrs[n] conn=len(cn) if conn > maxconndone: pivotdonenbrs=cn maxconndone=conn if maxconndone==numb_cand: break # Shortcut--this part of tree already searched if maxconndone == numb_cand: clique_so_far.pop() continue # still finding pivot node # look in cand nodes second maxconn=-1 for n in new_cand: cn = new_cand & nnbrs[n] conn=len(cn) if conn > maxconn: pivotnbrs=cn maxconn=conn if maxconn == numb_cand-1: break # pivot node is max connected in cand from done or cand if maxconndone > maxconn: pivotnbrs = pivotdonenbrs # save search status for later backout stack.append( (cand, done, smallcand) ) cand=new_cand done=new_done smallcand = cand - pivotnbrs
def find_cliques_recursive(G): """ Recursive search for all maximal cliques in a graph. This algorithm searches for maximal cliques in a graph. Maximal cliques are the largest complete subgraph containing a given point. The largest maximal clique is sometimes called the maximum clique. This implementation returns a list of lists each of which contains the members of a maximal clique. See Also -------- find_cliques : An nonrecursive version of the same algorithm Notes ----- Based on the algorithm published by Bron & Kerbosch (1973) [1]_ as adapated by Tomita, Tanaka and Takahashi (2006) [2]_ and discussed in Cazals and Karande (2008) [3]_. This algorithm ignores self-loops and parallel edges as clique is not conventionally defined with such edges. References ---------- .. [1] Bron, C. and Kerbosch, J. 1973. Algorithm 457: finding all cliques of an undirected graph. Commun. ACM 16, 9 (Sep. 1973), 575-577. .. [2] Etsuji Tomita, Akira Tanaka, Haruhisa Takahashi, The worst-case time complexity for generating all maximal cliques and computational experiments, Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 363, Issue 1, Computing and Combinatorics, 10th Annual International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics (COCOON 2004), 25 October 2006, Pages 28-42 .. [3] F. Cazals, C. Karande, A note on the problem of reporting maximal cliques, Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 407, Issues 1-3, 6 November 2008, Pages 564-568, """ nnbrs={} for n,nbrs in G.adjacency_iter(): nbrs=set(nbrs) nbrs.discard(n) nnbrs[n]=nbrs if not nnbrs: return [] # empty graph cand=set(nnbrs) done=set() clique_so_far=[] cliques=[] _extend(nnbrs,cand,done,clique_so_far,cliques) return cliques def _extend(nnbrs,cand,done,so_far,cliques): # find pivot node (max connections in cand) maxconn=-1 numb_cand=len(cand) for n in done: cn = cand & nnbrs[n] conn=len(cn) if conn > maxconn: pivotnbrs=cn maxconn=conn if conn==numb_cand: # All possible cliques already found return for n in cand: cn = cand & nnbrs[n] conn=len(cn) if conn > maxconn: pivotnbrs=cn maxconn=conn # Use pivot to reduce number of nodes to examine smallercand = cand - pivotnbrs for n in smallercand: cand.remove(n) so_far.append(n) nn=nnbrs[n] new_cand=cand & nn new_done=done & nn if not new_cand and not new_done: # Found the clique cliques.append(so_far[:]) elif not new_done and len(new_cand) is 1: # shortcut if only one node left cliques.append(so_far+list(new_cand)) else: _extend(nnbrs, new_cand, new_done, so_far, cliques) done.add(so_far.pop())
[docs]def make_max_clique_graph(G,create_using=None,name=None): """ Create the maximal clique graph of a graph. Finds the maximal cliques and treats these as nodes. The nodes are connected if they have common members in the original graph. Theory has done a lot with clique graphs, but I haven't seen much on maximal clique graphs. Notes ----- This should be the same as make_clique_bipartite followed by project_up, but it saves all the intermediate steps. """ cliq=list(map(set,find_cliques(G))) if create_using: B=create_using B.clear() else: B=networkx.Graph() if name is not None: for i,cl in enumerate(cliq): B.add_node(i+1) for j,other_cl in enumerate(cliq[:i]): # if not cl.isdisjoint(other_cl): #Requires 2.6 intersect=cl & other_cl if intersect: # Not empty B.add_edge(i+1,j+1) return B
[docs]def make_clique_bipartite(G,fpos=None,create_using=None,name=None): """ Create a bipartite clique graph from a graph G. Nodes of G are retained as the "bottom nodes" of B and cliques of G become "top nodes" of B. Edges are present if a bottom node belongs to the clique represented by the top node. Returns a Graph with additional attribute dict B.node_type which is keyed by nodes to "Bottom" or "Top" appropriately. if fpos is not None, a second additional attribute dict B.pos is created to hold the position tuple of each node for viewing the bipartite graph. """ cliq=list(find_cliques(G)) if create_using: B=create_using B.clear() else: B=networkx.Graph() if name is not None: B.add_nodes_from(G) B.node_type={} # New Attribute for B for n in B: B.node_type[n]="Bottom" if fpos: B.pos={} # New Attribute for B delta_cpos=1./len(cliq) delta_ppos=1./G.order() cpos=0. ppos=0. for i,cl in enumerate(cliq): name= -i-1 # Top nodes get negative names B.add_node(name) B.node_type[name]="Top" if fpos: if name not in B.pos: B.pos[name]=(0.2,cpos) cpos +=delta_cpos for v in cl: B.add_edge(name,v) if fpos is not None: if v not in B.pos: B.pos[v]=(0.8,ppos) ppos +=delta_ppos return B
def project_down(B,create_using=None,name=None): """Project a bipartite graph B down onto its "bottom nodes". The nodes retain their names and are connected if they share a common top node in the bipartite graph. Returns a Graph. """ if create_using: G=create_using G.clear() else: G=networkx.Graph() if name is not None: for v,Bvnbrs in B.adjacency_iter(): if B.node_type[v]=="Bottom": G.add_node(v) for cv in Bvnbrs: G.add_edges_from([(v,u) for u in B[cv] if u!=v]) return G def project_up(B,create_using=None,name=None): """ Project a bipartite graph B down onto its "bottom nodes". The nodes retain their names and are connected if they share a common Bottom Node in the Bipartite Graph. Returns a Graph. """ if create_using: G=create_using G.clear() else: G=networkx.Graph() if name is not None: for v,Bvnbrs in B.adjacency_iter(): if B.node_type[v]=="Top": vname= -v #Change sign of name for Top Nodes G.add_node(vname) for cv in Bvnbrs: # Note: -u changes the name (not Top node anymore) G.add_edges_from([(vname,-u) for u in B[cv] if u!=v]) return G
[docs]def graph_clique_number(G,cliques=None): """Return the clique number (size of the largest clique) for G. An optional list of cliques can be input if already computed. """ if cliques is None: cliques=find_cliques(G) return max( [len(c) for c in cliques] )
[docs]def graph_number_of_cliques(G,cliques=None): """ Returns the number of maximal cliques in G. An optional list of cliques can be input if already computed. """ if cliques is None: cliques=list(find_cliques(G)) return len(cliques)
[docs]def node_clique_number(G,nodes=None,cliques=None): """ Returns the size of the largest maximal clique containing each given node. Returns a single or list depending on input nodes. Optional list of cliques can be input if already computed. """ if cliques is None: if nodes is not None: # Use ego_graph to decrease size of graph if isinstance(nodes,list): d={} for n in nodes: H=networkx.ego_graph(G,n) d[n]=max( (len(c) for c in find_cliques(H)) ) else: H=networkx.ego_graph(G,nodes) d=max( (len(c) for c in find_cliques(H)) ) return d # nodes is None--find all cliques cliques=list(find_cliques(G)) if nodes is None: nodes=G.nodes() # none, get entire graph if not isinstance(nodes, list): # check for a list v=nodes # assume it is a single value d=max([len(c) for c in cliques if v in c]) else: d={} for v in nodes: d[v]=max([len(c) for c in cliques if v in c]) return d # if nodes is None: # none, use entire graph # nodes=G.nodes() # elif not isinstance(nodes, list): # check for a list # nodes=[nodes] # assume it is a single value # if cliques is None: # cliques=list(find_cliques(G)) # d={} # for v in nodes: # d[v]=max([len(c) for c in cliques if v in c]) # if nodes in G: # return d[v] #return single value # return d
[docs]def number_of_cliques(G,nodes=None,cliques=None): """ Returns the number of maximal cliques for each node. Returns a single or list depending on input nodes. Optional list of cliques can be input if already computed. """ if cliques is None: cliques=list(find_cliques(G)) if nodes is None: nodes=G.nodes() # none, get entire graph if not isinstance(nodes, list): # check for a list v=nodes # assume it is a single value numcliq=len([1 for c in cliques if v in c]) else: numcliq={} for v in nodes: numcliq[v]=len([1 for c in cliques if v in c]) return numcliq
[docs]def cliques_containing_node(G,nodes=None,cliques=None): """ Returns a list of cliques containing the given node. Returns a single list or list of lists depending on input nodes. Optional list of cliques can be input if already computed. """ if cliques is None: cliques=list(find_cliques(G)) if nodes is None: nodes=G.nodes() # none, get entire graph if not isinstance(nodes, list): # check for a list v=nodes # assume it is a single value vcliques=[c for c in cliques if v in c] else: vcliques={} for v in nodes: vcliques[v]=[c for c in cliques if v in c] return vcliques