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networkx.generators.degree_seq.li_smax_graph(degree_seq, create_using=None)

Generates a graph based with a given degree sequence and maximizing the s-metric. Experimental implementation.

Maximum s-metrix means that high degree nodes are connected to high degree nodes.

  • degree_seq: degree sequence, a list of integers with each entry

    corresponding to the degree of a node. A non-graphical degree sequence raises an Exception.


 author = {Lun Li and David Alderson and Reiko Tanaka
          and John C. Doyle and Walter Willinger},
 title = {Towards a Theory of Scale-Free Graphs:
         Definition, Properties, and  Implications (Extended Version)},
 url = {},
 year = {2005}

The algorithm:

STEP 0 - Initialization
A = {0}
B = {1, 2, 3, ..., n}
O = {(i; j), ..., (k, l),...} where i < j, i <= k < l and 
        d_i * d_j >= d_k *d_l 
wA = d_1
dB = sum(degrees)

STEP 1 - Link selection
(a) If |O| = 0 TERMINATE. Return graph A.
(b) Select element(s) (i, j) in O having the largest d_i * d_j , if for 
        any i or j either w_i = 0 or w_j = 0 delete (i, j) from O
(c) If there are no elements selected go to (a).
(d) Select the link (i, j) having the largest value w_i (where for each 
        (i, j) w_i is the smaller of w_i and w_j ), and proceed to STEP 2.

STEP 2 - Link addition
Type 1: i in A and j in B. 
        Add j to the graph A and remove it from the set B add a link 
        (i, j) to the graph A. Update variables:
        wA = wA + d_j -2 and dB = dB - d_j
        Decrement w_i and w_j with one. Delete (i, j) from O
Type 2: i and j in A.
    Check Tree Condition: If dB = 2 * |B| - wA. 
        Delete (i, j) from O, continue to STEP 3
    Check Disconnected Cluster Condition: If wA = 2. 
        Delete (i, j) from O, continue to STEP 3
    Add the link (i, j) to the graph A 
    Decrement w_i and w_j with one, and wA = wA -2
    Go to STEP 1

The article states that the algorithm will result in a maximal s-metric. This implementation can not guarantee such maximality. I may have misunderstood the algorithm, but I can not see how it can be anything but a heuristic. Please contact me at if you can provide python code that can guarantee maximality. Several optimizations are included in this code and it may be hard to read. Commented code to come.


For an ‘unconstrained’ graph, that is one they describe as having the sum of the degree sequence be even(ie all undirected graphs) they present a simpler algorithm. It is as follows

“For each vertex i: if di is even then attach di/2 self-loops; if di is odd, then attach (di-1)/2 self-loops, leaving one available “stub”. Second for all remaining vertices with “stubs” connect them in pairs according to decreasing values of di.”[1]

Since this only works for undirected graphs anyway, perhaps this is the better method? Note this also returns a graph with a larger s_metric than the other method, and it seems to have the same degree sequence, though I haven’t tested it extensively.