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closeness_centrality(G, v=None, weighted_edges=False, normalized=True)

Compute closeness centrality for nodes.

Closeness centrality at a node is 1/average distance to all other nodes.


G : graph

A networkx graph

v : node, optional

Return only the value for node v.

weighted_edges : bool, optional

Consider the edge weights in determining the shortest paths. If False, all edge weights are considered equal.

normalized : bool, optional

If True normalize the values to the size of the connected compoenent containing v.


nodes : dictionary

Dictionary of nodes with closeness centrality as the value.

See also

betweenness_centrality, load_centrality, eigenvector_centrality, degree_centrality


The closeness centrality is normalized to to n-1 / size(G)-1 where n is the number of nodes in the connected part of graph containing the node. If the graph is not completely connected, this algorithm computes the closeness centrality for each connected part separately.