
This documents an unmaintained version of NetworkX. Please upgrade to a maintained version and see the current NetworkX documentation.


to_numpy_recarray(G, nodelist=None, dtype=[('weight', <type 'float'>)], order=None)[source]

Return the graph adjacency matrix as a NumPy recarray.

  • G (graph) – The NetworkX graph used to construct the NumPy matrix.
  • nodelist (list, optional) – The rows and columns are ordered according to the nodes in nodelist. If nodelist is None, then the ordering is produced by G.nodes().
  • dtype (NumPy data-type, optional) – A valid NumPy named dtype used to initialize the NumPy recarray. The data type names are assumed to be keys in the graph edge attribute dictionary.
  • order ({'C', 'F'}, optional) – Whether to store multidimensional data in C- or Fortran-contiguous (row- or column-wise) order in memory. If None, then the NumPy default is used.

M – The graph with specified edge data as a Numpy recarray

Return type:

NumPy recarray


When nodelist does not contain every node in G, the matrix is built from the subgraph of G that is induced by the nodes in nodelist.


>>> G = nx.Graph()
>>> G.add_edge(1,2,weight=7.0,cost=5)
>>> A=nx.to_numpy_recarray(G,dtype=[('weight',float),('cost',int)])
>>> print(A.weight)
[[ 0.  7.]
 [ 7.  0.]]
>>> print(A.cost)
[[0 5]
 [5 0]]