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Release Log


Release date: 11 Jan 2010


Bug fix release for missing in manifest.


Release date: 8 Jan 2010


New features

This release has sigificant changes to parts of the graph API to allow graph, node, and edge attributes. See

  • Update Graph, DiGraph, and MultiGraph classes to allow attributes.
  • Default edge data is now an empty dictionary (was the integer 1)
  • Difference and intersection operators
  • Average shortest path
  • A* (A-Star) algorithm
  • PageRank, HITS, and eigenvector centrality
  • Read Pajek files
  • Line graphs
  • Minimum spanning tree (Kruskal’s algorithm)
  • Dense and sparse Fruchterman-Reingold layout
  • Random clustered graph generator
  • Directed scale-free graph generator
  • Faster random regular graph generator
  • Improved edge color and label drawing with Matplotlib
  • and much more, see


  • Update to work with networkx-1.0 API
  • Graph subclass example


Release date: 18 November 2008


New features

This release has sigificant changes to parts of the graph API. See

  • Update Graph and DiGraph classes to use weighted graphs as default Change in API for performance and code simplicity.
  • New MultiGraph and MultiDiGraph classes (replace XGraph and XDiGraph)
  • Update to use Sphinx documentation system
  • Developer site at
  • Experimental LabeledGraph and LabeledDiGraph
  • Moved package and file layout to subdirectories.

Bug fixes

  • handle root= option to draw_graphviz correctly


  • Update to work with networkx-0.99 API
  • Drawing examples now use matplotlib.pyplot interface
  • Improved drawings in many examples
  • New examples - see


Release date: 17 August 2008


NetworkX now requires Python 2.4 or later for full functionality.

New features

  • Edge coloring and node line widths with Matplotlib drawings
  • Update pydot functions to work with pydot-1.0.2
  • Maximum-weight matching algorithm
  • Ubigraph interface for 3D OpenGL layout and drawing
  • Pajek graph file format reader and writer
  • p2g graph file format reader and writer
  • Secondary sort in topological sort

Bug fixes

  • Better edge data handling with GML writer
  • Edge betweenness fix for XGraph with default data of None
  • Handle Matplotlib version strings (allow “pre”)
  • Interface to PyGraphviz (to_agraph()) now handles parallel edges
  • Fix bug in copy from XGraph to XGraph with multiedges
  • Use SciPy sparse lil matrix format instead of coo format
  • Clear up ambiguous cases for Barabasi-Albert model
  • Better care of color maps with Matplotlib when drawing colored nodes and edges
  • Fix error handling in


  • Ubigraph examples showing 3D drawing


Release date: 13 January 2008


New features

  • GML format graph reader, tests, and example (
  • edge_betweenness() and load_betweenness()

Bug fixes

  • remove obsolete parts of pygraphviz interface
  • improve handling of Matplotlib version strings
  • write_dot() now writes parallel edges and self loops
  • is_bipartite() and bipartite_color() fixes
  • configuration model speedup using random.shuffle()
  • convert with specified nodelist now works correctly
  • vf2 isomorphism checker updates


Release date: 27 July 2007


Small update to fix import readwrite problem and maintain Python2.3 compatibility.


Release date: 22 July 2007


New features

  • algorithms for strongly connected components.
  • Brandes betweenness centrality algorithm (weighted and unweighted versions)
  • closeness centrality for weighted graphs
  • dfs_preorder, dfs_postorder, dfs_tree, dfs_successor, dfs_predecessor
  • readers for GraphML, LEDA, sparse6, and graph6 formats.
  • allow arguments in graphviz_layout to be passed directly to graphviz

Bug fixes

  • more detailed installation instructions
  • replaced dfs_preorder,dfs_postorder (see
  • allow initial node positions in spectral_layout
  • report no error on attempting to draw empty graph
  • report errors correctly when using tuples as nodes #114
  • handle conversions from incomplete dict-of-dict data


Release date: 12 April 2007


New features

  • benchmarks for graph classes
  • Brandes betweenness centrality algorithm
  • Dijkstra predecessor and distance algorithm
  • xslt to convert DIA graphs to NetworkX
  • number_of_edges(u,v) counts edges between nodes u and v
  • run tests with python test (needs setuptools) else use python -c “import networkx; networkx.test()”
  • is_isomorphic() that uses vf2 algorithm

Bug fixes

  • speedups of neighbors()
  • simplified Dijkstra’s algorithm code
  • better exception handling for shortest paths
  • get_edge(u,v) returns None (instead of exception) if no edge u-v
  • floyd_warshall_array fixes for negative weights
  • bad G467, docs, and unittest fixes for graph atlas
  • don’t put nans in numpy or scipy sparse adjacency matrix
  • handle get_edge() exception (return None if no edge)
  • remove extra kwds arguments in many places
  • no multi counting edges in conversion to dict of lists for multigraphs
  • allow passing tuple to get_edge()
  • bad parameter order in node/edge betweenness
  • edge betweenness doesn’t fail with XGraph
  • don’t throw exceptions for nodes not in graph (silently ignore instead) in edges_* and degree_*


Release date: 27 November 2006


New features

  • draw edges with specified colormap

  • more efficient version of Floyd’s algorithm for all pairs shortest path

  • use numpy only, Numeric is deprecated

  • include tests in source package (networkx/tests)

  • include documentation in source package (doc)

  • tests can now be run with
    >>> import networkx
    >>> networkx.test()

Bug fixes

  • read_gpickle now works correctly with Windows
  • refactored large modules into smaller code files
  • degree(nbunch) now returns degrees in same order as nbunch
  • degree() now works for multiedges=True
  • update node_boundary and edge_boundary for efficiency
  • edited documentation for graph classes, now mostly in


  • Draw edges with colormap


Release date: 29 September 2006


New features

  • Update to work with numpy-1.0x
  • Make egg usage optional: use python bdist_egg to build egg
  • Generators and functions for bipartite graphs
  • Experimental classes for trees and forests
  • Support for new pygraphviz update (in , see for pygraphviz details

Bug fixes

  • Handle special cases correctly in triangles function
  • Typos in documentation
  • Handle special cases in shortest_path and shortest_path_length, allow cutoff parameter for maximum depth to search
  • Update examples:,, roget,py,


  • Expected degree sequence
  • New pygraphviz interface


Release date: 20 July 2006


New features

  • arbitrary node relabeling (use relabel_nodes)
  • conversion of NetworkX graphs to/from Python dict/list types, numpy matrix or array types, and scipy_sparse_matrix types
  • generator for random graphs with given expected degree sequence

Bug fixes

  • Allow drawing graphs with no edges using pylab
  • Use faster heapq in dijkstra
  • Don’t complain if X windows is not available


  • update drawing examples


Release date: 23 June 2006


New features

  • update to work with Python 2.5
  • bidirectional version of shortest_path and Dijkstra
  • single_source_shortest_path and all_pairs_shortest_path
  • s-metric and experimental code to generate maximal s-metric graph
  • double_edge_swap and connected_double_edge_swap
  • Floyd’s algorithm for all pairs shortest path
  • read and write unicode graph data to text files
  • read and write YAML format text files,

Bug fixes

  • speed improvements (faster version of subgraph, is_connected)
  • added cumulative distribution and modified discrete distribution utilities
  • report error if DiGraphs are sent to connected_components routines
  • removed with_labels keywords for many functions where it was causing confusion
  • function name changes in shortest_path routines
  • saner internal handling of nbunch (node bunches), raise an exception if an nbunch isn’t a node or iterable
  • better keyword handling in allows reading multiple graphs
  • don’t mix Numeric and numpy arrays in graph layouts and drawing
  • avoid automatically rescaling matplotlib axes when redrawing graph layout


  • unicode node labels


Release date: 28 April 2006


New features

  • Algorithms for betweeenness, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and spectral projection for threshold graphs
  • Use numpy when available
  • dense_gnm_random_graph generator
  • Generators for some directed graphs: GN, GNR, and GNC by Krapivsky and Redner
  • Grid graph generators now label by index tuples. Helper functions for manipulating labels.
  • relabel_nodes_with_function

Bug fixes

  • Betweenness centrality now correctly uses Brandes definition and has normalization option outside main loop
  • Empty graph now labled as empty_graph(n)
  • shortest_path_length used python2.4 generator feature
  • degree_sequence_tree off by one error caused nonconsecutive labeling
  • periodic_grid_2d_graph removed in favor of grid_2d_graph with periodic=True


Release date: 13 March 2006


New features

  • Option to construct Laplacian with rows and columns in specified order
  • Option in convert_node_labels_to_integers to use sorted order
  • predecessor(G,n) function that returns dictionary of nodes with predecessors from breadth-first search of G starting at node n.


Bug fixes

  • Adjusted names for random graphs.
    • erdos_renyi_graph=binomial_graph=gnp_graph: n nodes with edge probability p
    • gnm_graph: n nodes and m edges
    • fast_gnp_random_graph: gnp for sparse graphs (small p)
  • Documentation contains correct spelling of Barabási, Bollobás, Erdős, and Rényi in UTF-8 encoding

  • Increased speed of connected_components and related functions by using faster BFS algorithm in networkx.paths

  • XGraph and XDiGraph with multiedges=True produced error on delete_edge

  • Cleaned up docstring errors

  • Normalize names of some graphs to produce strings that represent calling sequence


Release date: 5 February 2006


New features

  • sparse_binomial_graph: faster graph generator for sparse random graphs
  • read/write routines in now handle XGraph() type and gzip and bzip2 files
  • optional mapping of type for read/write routine to allow on-the-fly conversion of node and edge datatype on read
  • Substantial changes related to digraphs and definitions of neighbors() and edges(). For digraphs edges=out_edges. Neighbors now returns a list of neighboring nodes with possible duplicates for graphs with parallel edges See
  • Addition of out_edges, in_edges and corresponding out_neighbors and in_neighbors for digraphs. For digraphs edges=out_edges.


  • Minard’s data for Napoleon’s Russian campaign

Bug fixes

  • XGraph(multiedges=True) returns a copy of the list of edges for get_edge()


Release date: 6 January 2006

New features

  • Simpler interface to drawing with pylab
  • function returns short information about graph or node
  • adj_matrix now takes optional nodelist to force ordering of rows/columns in matrix
  • optional pygraphviz and pydot interface to graphviz is now callable as “graphviz” with pygraphviz preferred. Use draw_graphviz(G).


  • Several new examples showing how draw to graphs with various properties of nodes, edges, and labels

Bug fixes

  • Default data type for all graphs is now None (was the integer 1)
  • add_nodes_from now won’t delete edges if nodes added already exist
  • Added missing names to generated graphs
  • Indexes for nodes in graphs start at zero by default (was 1)


Release date: 5 December 2005

New features


  • Email example shows how to use XDiGraph with Python objects as edge data


  • Reformat menu, minor changes to Readme, better stylesheet

Bug fixes

  • use create_using= instead of result= keywords for graph types in all cases
  • missing weights for degree 0 and 1 nodes in clustering
  • configuration model now uses XGraph, returns graph with identical degree sequence as input sequence
  • fixed dijstra priority queue
  • fixed non-recursive toposort and is_directed_acyclic graph


Release date: 20 August 2005

Bug fixes

  • Update of dijstra algorithm code
  • dfs_successor now calls proper search method
  • Changed to list compehension in DiGraph.reverse() for python2.3 compatibility
  • Barabasi-Albert graph generator fixed
  • Attempt to add self loop should add node even if parallel edges not allowed


Release date: 14 July 2005

The NetworkX web locations have changed: - main documentation site - subversion source code repository - bug tracking and info

Important Change

The naming conventions in NetworkX have changed. The package name “NX” is now “networkx”.

The suggested ways to import the NetworkX package are

  • import networkx
  • import networkx as NX
  • from networkx import *

New features

  • DiGraph reverse

  • Graph generators
    • watts_strogatz_graph now does rewiring method
    • old watts_strogatz_graph->newman_watts_strogatz_graph



Bug fixes

  • Fixed logic in for reading DiGraphs.
  • Path based centrality measures (betweenness, closeness) modified so they work on graphs that are not connected and produce the same result as if each connected component were considered separately.


Release date: 17 June 2005

New features

  • Topological sort, testing for directed acyclic graphs (DAGs)

  • Dikjstra’s algorithm for shortest paths in weighted graphs

  • Multidimensional layout with dim=n for drawing

  • 3d rendering demonstration with vtk

  • Graph generators
    • random_powerlaw_tree
    • dorogovtsev_goltsev_mendes_graph


  • Kevin Bacon movie actor graph: Examples/
  • Compute eigenvalues of graph Laplacian: Examples/
  • Atlas of small graphs: Examples/


  • Rewrite of setup scripts to install documentation and tests in documentation directory specified

Bug fixes

  • Handle calls to edges() with non-node, non-iterable items.
  • truncated_tetrahedral_graph was just plain wrong
  • Speedup of betweenness_centrality code
  • bfs_path_length now returns correct lengths
  • Catch error if target of search not in connected component of source
  • Code cleanup to label internal functions with _name
  • Changed import statement lines to always use “import NX” to protect name-spaces
  • Other minor bug-fixes and testing added