is_connected (G) | Return True if G is connected. For undirected graphs only. |
number_connected_components (G) | Return the number of connected components in G. For undirected graphs only. |
connected_components (G) | Return a list of lists of nodes in each connected component of G. |
connected_component_subgraphs (G) | Return a list of graphs of each connected component of G. |
node_connected_component (G, n) | Return a list of nodes of the connected component containing node n. |
is_strongly_connected (G) | Return True if G is strongly connected. |
number_strongly_connected_components (G) | Return the number of connected components in G. |
strongly_connected_components (G) | Returns a list of strongly connected components in G. |
strongly_connected_component_subgraphs (G) | Return a list of graphs of each strongly connected component of G. |
strongly_connected_components_recursive (G) | Returns list of strongly connected components in G. |
kosaraju_strongly_connected_components (G[, source]) | Returns list of strongly connected components in G. |
topological_sort (G) | Return a list of nodes of the digraph G in topological sort order. |
topological_sort_recursive (G) | Return a list of nodes of the digraph G in topological sort order. |
is_directed_acyclic_graph (G) | Return True if the graph G is a directed acyclic graph (DAG). |
eccentricity (G[, v, sp, with_labels]) | Return the eccentricity of node v in G (or all nodes if v is None). |
diameter (G[, e]) | Return the diameter of the graph G. |
radius (G[, e]) | Return the radius of the graph G. |
periphery (G[, e]) | Return the periphery of the graph G. |
center (G[, e]) | Return the center of graph G. |
shortest_path (G, source, target) | Return a list of nodes in a shortest path between source and target. |
shortest_path_length (G, source, target) | Return the shortest path length the source and target. |
bidirectional_shortest_path (G, source, target) | Return list of nodes in a shortest path between source and target. |
single_source_shortest_path (G, source[, cutoff]) | Return list of nodes in a shortest path between source and all other nodes reachable from source. |
single_source_shortest_path_length (G, source[, cutoff]) | Return the shortest path length from source to all reachable nodes. |
all_pairs_shortest_path (G[, cutoff]) | Return dictionary of shortest paths between all nodes. |
all_pairs_shortest_path_length (G[, cutoff]) | Return dictionary of shortest path lengths between all nodes in G. |
dijkstra_path (G, source, target) | Returns the shortest path from source to target in a weighted graph G. |
dijkstra_path_length (G, source, target) | Returns the shortest path length from source to target in a weighted graph G. |
bidirectional_dijkstra (G, source, target) | Dijkstra’s algorithm for shortest paths using bidirectional search. |
single_source_dijkstra_path (G, source) | Returns the shortest paths from source to all other reachable nodes in a weighted graph G. |
single_source_dijkstra_path_length (G, source) | Returns the shortest path lengths from source to all other reachable nodes in a weighted graph G. |
single_source_dijkstra (G, source[, target]) | Dijkstra’s algorithm for shortest paths in a weighted graph G. |
dijkstra_predecessor_and_distance (G, source) | Returns two dictionaries representing a list of predecessors of a node and the distance to each node respectively. |
predecessor (G, source[, target, cutoff, ...]) | Returns dictionary of predecessors for the path from source to all nodes in G. |
floyd_warshall (G[, huge]) | The Floyd-Warshall algorithm for all pairs shortest paths. |
dfs_preorder (G[, source, reverse_graph]) | Return list of nodes connected to source in depth-first-search preorder. |
dfs_postorder (G[, source, reverse_graph]) | Return list of nodes connected to source in depth-first-search postorder. |
dfs_predecessor (G[, source, reverse_graph]) | Return predecessors of depth-first-search with root at source. |
dfs_successor (G[, source, reverse_graph]) | Return succesors of depth-first-search with root at source. |
dfs_tree (G[, source, reverse_graph]) | Return directed graph (tree) of depth-first-search with root at source. |