Compute bipartite node redundancy coefficient.
The redundancy coefficient of a node is the fraction of pairs of neighbors of that are both linked to other nodes. In a one-mode projection these nodes would be linked together even if were not there.
where are the neighbors of in .
Parameters : | G : graph
nodes : list or iterable (optional)
Returns : | redundancy : dictionary
[R126] | Latapy, Matthieu, Clémence Magnien, and Nathalie Del Vecchio (2008). Basic notions for the analysis of large two-mode networks. Social Networks 30(1), 31–48. |
>>> from networkx.algorithms import bipartite
>>> G = nx.cycle_graph(4)
>>> rc = bipartite.node_redundancy(G)
>>> rc[0]
Compute the average redundancy for the graph:
>>> sum(rc.values())/len(G)
Compute the average redundancy for a set of nodes:
>>> nodes = [0, 2]
>>> sum(rc[n] for n in nodes)/len(nodes)